Creating a buzz: Beeswax candle-making workshop


Natalie and Monica, two of our student Sustainability leaders, talk about their candle-making workshop which they organised at Christmas using the beeswax from our hives.

“We organized a two-hour workshop in which participants could create their very own candle out of natural ingredients: beeswax and coconut oil inside a half orange peel. We provided people with material, instructions, help, and safety recommendations.”

The aim of the Christmas-themed activity was to raise awareness on the importance of bees in our ecosystem, and increase the number of staff and students in our Bee Team. “We also wanted to stress the importance of natural and organic products.”

“The project was very successful. We ran the workshop until we ran out of material within our timeframe, as we had planned. Everyone was very engaged. We received positive feedback from people saying they had learned something new while having fun. We were able to spread the word of what our association does and many were willing to get involved and help with the cause.”

Reflecting on the project, Monica said “I learned that creativity can be a very powerful and useful tool if used in the right manner. It can be used to engage people in something you want them to know about, make them curious and then make them have fun!”

Thanks Monica and Natalie for a fantastic workshop! Check out our photos below, find out more about our bees here, or read more about becoming a Sustainability Leader and getting funding from the Sustainability team to run your own project!


7 Responses

  1. Albert

    September 3, 2021 11:08 am

    This article is full of some well-researched information. You have made valid points in a unique way. Thanks for sharing the details about Beeswax candle-making workshop.

  2. xavi

    September 29, 2022 5:21 pm

    لا شك بأنّ المادة الخرسانية تمتص الحرارة، لذلك هناك الكثير من المواد التي تمّ تصنيعها كي تستخدم في العزل الحراري، ومن هذه المواد المستخدمة بكثرة: الصوف الصخري: يكون إمّا على شكل ألواحٍ يتمّ إلصاقها بالسطح، أو عن طريق بلاط المزايكو الذي يحتوي على نسبةٍ كبيرةٍ من الصوف الصخري، وأما الطريقة الأخرى فهي عبارةٌ عن لفائف من الصوف الصخري الخام حيث تفرد على كامل مساحة السطح ثمّ تصب طبقةٌ خرسانية فوقها. مادة البيرلايت: وهي عبارة عن مادة معدنية متعددة الجوانب ومكلفة مادياً، وهي من المواد التي تستخدم للعزل الحراري، إذ يتم فرد هذه المادة على السطح بطرقٍ خاصة، أو يتم وضعها مع الخرسانة، حيث تعمل هذه المادة على عكس الحرارة، كما انّها تعمل كمادة عازلة للصوت.

    عازل اسطح

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