ADDResponse appended around 400 auxiliary variables from 20 different sources to the European Social Survey Round 6 UK dataset.
The project technical report provides details of all of the data sources used and shares lessons learned regarding data availability, quality and suitability for analysis.
A list of auxiliary variables used in ADDResponse is also available.
A subset of the ADDResponse data are now available from the UK Data Archive.
SN 8066: ADDResponse: European Social Survey Round 6 (UK) Plus Auxiliary Data, 2010-2014: Secure Access
The following data files are available from the UKDA for ESS respondents only:
- individual level ESS data on public attitudes and behaviour focusing on the topics of personal and social wellbeing and understanding and evaluations of democracy
- ESS Contact Form data on the number, date, time and outcome of contact attempts made to obtain productive interviews
- ESS interviewer questionnaire data
- geographic identifiers and small-area administrative data on a range of topics including: Census 2011 socio-demographics, crime rates, Indices of Deprivation, electricity consumption, school absences, benefit claimants, wellbeing, and voting in local elections
Because of the potential disclosure risk posed by combining individual survey responses and auxiliary data at very low levels of aggregation, the data are available via secure access.
Researchers interested in accessing the small-area administrative data used in ADDResponse for respondents and non-respondents can apply to Ipsos MORI for access. Ipsos MORI will consider all requests on a case by case basis.