MSc Admissions Blog

Advice and Information from the MSc Admissions team

Introducing the Careers Team


Hello and welcome from the Cass Careers & Professional Development team!

Many of you will be looking to study an MSc with a view to using it to help either start or progress your career. With that in mind engaging with Cass Careers and making the most of the opportunities and resources available to you should be high on your list of priorities.

The Careers team have a wealth of experience from across different industries and know what it takes to stand out from the competition, whether you are applying for a graduate position, an internship or an experienced hire role.

So how can we help?

Whether you have experience and are looking for your next career move or whether you are starting out in your career and are looking for your first role on a graduate scheme we can work with you to help you give yourself the best opportunity at gaining the roles you are applying for.  Once you have paid your deposit you can start engaging with the careers team. Some of the Key ways to engage with Careers will be;

Cass Careers Online (CCO) – Once you start your course you will be given access to CCO which is our online careers portal. With everything from careers resources and job vacancies to registering for events and booking one to ones it provides invaluable assistance at every step of your career search.

Workshops – Our workshops are held throughout the academic year starting in September, with a higher concentration in October and November to reflect the typical cycle of recruitment processes during this time. Our workshops cover areas such as CV’s and applications, cover letters, assessment centres and presentation skills among others.

One to one support – Sit down with a member of the careers team for one to one guidance and advice on anything in the application process from job search, feedback on your CV to mock interviews in which we will give you individual feedback.

Opportunities to engage with employers – These will include but are not limited to company presentations, both on and off campus, panel events and the Autumn Careers fair which will be your first opportunity to engage with employers. This years’ Careers fair will be held on Monday 19th September.

These opportunities are an incredibly valuable source to find out more about a company and start building your network, learning about the culture and skills a company is looking for will help you tailor your applications when you apply. We will be announcing which companies are confirmed for our fair through our facebook page over the next few months.

Webinars over the summer

Over the summer months we will be hosting webinars looking in more detail about what you can be doing over the summer to prepare yourself effectively for your job search as well as practical tips on how to prepare for our careers fair in September.

What can you do now?

Start thinking about where you want to apply and start your research. Check when companies open and close their applications and what their recruitment process is.

Once you have paid your deposit you will also be given access the Induction website where you will find more information and guidance from the Careers team. If you are starting to make applications and need some advice or would like feedback on your CV before you start, you can  please contact us at  and if you are in London over the summer and would like to pop in for a chat then please email us to arrange a time.

Over the next few weeks we will be writing a number of blogs to help you get started, please keep an eye for our next blog on 27th July when we will be giving you our insights into the current job market in the UK as well as a more detailed look at graduate programmes and when to apply.

Over the next few weeks we will also cover what to expect from a recruitment process and will be focusing on the relatively new trend for video interviews as well as insights into where Cass students get hired.

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