The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

Jo gives talk on celebrity in Denmark

Dr Jo Littler was recently an invited participant in a symposium on the Celebrity-Business-Development nexus at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Jo gave a paper on celebrity and meritocracy, was a discussant for Professor Dan Brockington’s keynote, and was part of a final roundtable discussion with Uma Kothari, Stefano Ponte,  Mark Wheeler Mike Goodman and Robert van Krieken. She has also…

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Articles by Ros Gill and Jo Littler in Routledge’s ‘Highly cited in media and cultural studies’ collection

Work by Professor Ros Gill and Dr Jo Littler from CCI has been included in Routledge’s ‘Highly cited in media and cultural studies’ online collection of selected free-to-view articles. Ros’s article ‘Sexism re-loaded: or, it’s time to get angry again!’ was originally printed in Feminist Media Studies and Jo’s article ‘I feel your pain: cosmopolitan…

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Newspapers’ EU election coverage misses the mark

Kate Mattocks, a PhD candidate at CCI, has written for The Conversation considering how press coverage of the European elections has not seen critical discussion about important issues facing Europe in the 21st century. Read it here

PUBLIC LECTURE: 4/6/2014 6pm, City University London Dr Constance DeVereaux, Colorado State University, ‘Once Upon an Arts Policy’

On 4th June 2014 Dr Constance DeVereaux, from Colorado State University will present a lecture titled ‘Once upon an arts policy’: The use of narrative analysis in policy science gained popularity in the 1990s but has been largely rejected by mainstream policy researchers working in a positivist vein. Narrative methods have been criticized for lack…

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Cultural value, measurement and policy making

Dr Dave O’Brien has recently published an article in Arts and Humanities in Higher Education exploring the deabte over cultural value and its relationship to public policy. The article is available here and the abstract is below: No matter what the national context, the question of how to understand the impact of government programmes, particularly…

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Professor Gill is in the House

Rosalind Gill gave a speech in the House of Commons on Tuesday April 28th, drawing on her expertise about gender and the media. Invited by Stella Creasy MP, and the National Association of Women’s Organisations, Ros’s talk was concerned with young women and the media. She highlighted the continued problem of sexism in the media…

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