The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

Strangers In A Strange Land

We will welcome our new colleague Dr Diana Yeh next week, but advance news of an event that she is organising in support of the development of an original stage play about the World War One Chinese labourers: Strangers In A Strange Land: The Art and Performance of the World War One Chinese Labour Corps The long…

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Jean Chalaby publishes book on TV formats

CCI’s colleague in Sociology, Prof. Jean Chalaby has a new book which will of be interest. The Format Age: Television’s Entertainment Revolution, published by Polity, is out today (30th October). Few trends have had as much impact on television as formats have in recent years. Long confined to the fringes of the TV industry, they have…

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Co-working, co-fabrication, co-making, co-what?!

  Together with Dr Suntje Schmidt from Berlin-based IRS (Leibnitz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning), Janet organized a paper session on ‘Co-Working │ Co-Fabrication │ Co-Making │ Co-What?!’ at the meeting of the German Geographers (DKG 2015) at Berlin’s Humboldt University over the weekend. The focus of the panel was to present results…

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