The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

Andy advises the Kazakstan city mayors on cultural employment mapping

Prof Andy Pratt returned to Astana this week to brief local academics on a creative economy mapping exercise. This is using the methodology that Andy developed both for DCMS and UNESCO to measure cultural employment. The request was supported by the British Council who are advising the Kazak mayors on this issue. Andy visited Astana and Almaty, attended meetings with policy makers, and practitioners, and researchers. He was also interviewed by new media, and appeared on a special 30minute TV show on the business TV channel. A draft report will be produced in the next few weeks, followed by an academic paper (demonstrating collaboration between universities, as well as government). The project also shows impact of Andy’s work for another nation state.

sbbk273 • April 4, 2018

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