Workshop on Cultural Economy: Twenty Years After
The Workshop on Cultural Economy: 20 Years After
City, University of London (ELG01)
Friday January 10th 2020
Toby Bennett is organising a symposium at City, and accompanying blog series with the Journal of Cultural Economy, to mark twenty years since the first “Workshop on Cultural Economy” at the Open University.
You can find the Call For Papers/Posts here and the first post in the blog series here. The CFP deadline is Friday 29th November.
The original workshop brought together scholars from a range of social science disciplines – cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, management, human geography, science & technology studies – to discuss renewing the study of economic life, after “the cultural turn”. This led to an edited collection, book series’ and teaching programmes, followed by large funded research consortia (e.g. CRESC) and eventually a new journal: the Journal of Cultural Economy. From an initial loose programme of research, it might now be described as a distinct (if still relatively undisciplined) academic field.
Featuring many of the original participants, alongside new additions to the field and some critics, the 20th anniversary symposium will aim to look back at the emergence of this field – taking a cultural economy approach to Cultural Economy, as it were. The aim is to think about its theoretical and institutional conditions, alongside absences, counterfactuals and paths not taken. It will seek to learn from this and provoke new directions in Cultural Economy.
Please contact Toby if you would like to participate in some form or simply to find out more.