The news feed from the Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London

Cultural policy-makers and creative workers publicly present their Report for 2005 UNESCO Convention

On Sept. 8th, public officials, artists and creative workers gathered in Kigali (Rwanda) to finalise the selection of cultural policies and measures showcased in the first Quadriennale Periodic Report to be submitted by Rwandan authorities, as signatory party to the UNESCO Convention 2005 (On the Promotion and Protection of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions). Jenny…

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Congratulations Dr Mattocks

Andy Pratt was very pleased to congratulate Kate Mattocks on being awarded her PhD on Set 14th. The title was “Intergovernmental cultural policy coordination in the European Union: the Open Method of Coordination and the 2011-2014 Work Plan for Culture’. Kate was examined by Prof Philip Schlesinger (Glasgow) and Prof Alison Harcourt (Exeter). Kate will be teaching…

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Collectivities in Consumption Ethics

Jo Littler together with Michele Micheletti and Frank Trentman gave talks for the ‘Collectivities in Consumption Ethics’ seminar in Glasgow on Monday, a transdisciplinary event hosted by the ESRC. During the day discussion ranged from the Cesar Chavez grape boycott through the relationship between the fair trade movement and the welfare state to the potential…

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Marisol receives British Academy/Leverhulme Small Grant

Marisol Sandoval has been awarded a British Academy/Leverhulme Small Grant for her project Mapping Cultural Co-operatives. The project will investigate how worker co-ops operate in the UK cultural industries and whether they can contribute to improving work in the sector. To map cultural co-ops in the UK, Marisol will on the one hand conduct an online…

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Discussing Media, Power and Capitalism in Lisbon

Last week Marisol was in Lisbon to participate in this year’s mid term conference of the European Sociological Association’s Communications and Media Research Network (RN 18). Marisol was one of the co-organisers of the conference, which brought together over 80 international scholars to discuss the conference theme Rethinking Power in Communicative Capitalism. Critical Perspectives on Media,…

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Congratulations Dr Kesimoglu!

CCCI is very pleased to congratulate Aysegul Kesimoglu on passing her PhD viva, subject to minor corrections. Her thesis was entitled ‘Modernization and Taste: A study of food, culture and identity in Istanbul’ and was examined by Prof Alan Warde of Manchester University, and our own Prof Chris Rojek. Aysegul is going to be busy…

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Janet gave paper and organized two panels at RGS in London

At this year Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society’s (with IBG) Janet presented a paper and organized two panels. The conference ran from Wednesday 31 August to Friday 2 September, 2016 at the Royal Geographical Society, London and was attended by more than 900 scholars. Together with Vasilis Avdikos (Panteion University, Greece), she…

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New Urban Multicultures, Superdiversity and Brexit Britain

This summer Diana gave two papers with Tamsin Barber, Oxford Brookes University on their joint work. The first was on hierarchies of belonging in nightlife in the neoliberal city at the ‘New Urban Multicultures: Conviviality and Racism’ conference at Goldsmiths and the second focused on translocal processes of racialization and racism in the context of…

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How can we create more just and less unequal creative cities? 6th September 17hs

All invited to this open panel hosted by the Centre for Culture & the Creative Industries, Department of Sociology, City, University of London, and funded by the British Academy (Rising Star Engagement Award: Dr Cecilia Dinardi). For speakers’ information and to sign up visit: City, University of London, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB Tuesday…

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London and the night time economy

Professor Andy Pratt has been interviewed and written about the initiation of London’s ‘all night tube service’. Andy cautioned against an over-optimistic expectation of impacts, but argued that it was part of a longer term transformation of London from a city based upon 9-5 culture to one approaching 24-7. The transformation cannot take place without…

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