Category: City Library Search

Some tools to support your research

Library website It’s best to access everything via the CityLibrary website either via our Databases A-Z,  Journals A-Z or CityLibrary Search.  For electronic resources, this will help you to log in with your City credentials and enable you to access the content which City subscribes to more easily. CityLibrary Search is a great place to start your…Continue Reading Some tools to support your research

Retracted articles – shown on CityLibrary search

As a researcher, it is good to know about the status of articles, as you may be aware,  sometimes journal articles can be retracted because they include either accidental or deliberate errors.  The retraction could be due to incorrect experimental or interpretive errors and is to prevent researchers from being wrongly informed and wasting time…Continue Reading Retracted articles – shown on CityLibrary search

Retrieving the full text of articles/documents

Whilst databases and websites sometimes provide direct access to articles and documents, this is not always the case. If you cannot get direct access from a resource you are searching there are a number of other options you can try to retrieve the full text of an article/document you want to use for your research….Continue Reading Retrieving the full text of articles/documents

City University London Library: Everything under one ‘roof’

Some research tips: Explore the Library website Search for some articles on City Library Search Find book and journal titles on the Library Catalogue See our brand new Library Services: a guide for research Explore our subject guides and our researcher and social media guides. Find some new databases and electronic journals Work smarter: do research on…Continue Reading City University London Library: Everything under one ‘roof’

New City Uni Library Search is live

The New City Uni Library Search is now live. Please try it out and search for books, articles and more for your research and give feedback on your experiences to inform development of the product (see link below). City Library Search is a new search discovery tool which searches across a range of resources…Continue Reading New City Uni Library Search is live