Roll out the red carpet for the grand launch!

Anddddddd its officially OPEN! Yes – CitySport rolled out its red carpet, jazzed up its orchestra, invited several important faculty members in suits, and some not in suits, ensured the cheerleaders were there in their synchronised dance steps, and with some nice hors d’oeuvres floating around, it was one big PARTAY!!!!

And the Chief Guest to inaugurate this day was none other than Dani King – Olympic and World record holder and gold medalist cyclist! It was good catching up with her, talking to her about her journey, her nutrition, what an athlete life involves and the mental and physical challenges one endures to ensure victory.

I couldn’t locate the the official school photographer, so what do two girls do what you need a photo for the blog – you take a selfie of course! 🙂

#Nima with #DaniKing - #butfirstletmetakeaselfie

#Nima with #DaniKing – #butfirstletmetakeaselfie

Nice day, was good to be back at the gym, see the friendly faces and come back even more inspired and determined to succeed!

I’m back! Wait and watch this space ….

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