I did make an effort…

…To look at my gait.

Following on from my fellow CitySport5 colleague Simon’s post, I was keen to find out what my gait looked like too.

So, off to City Sport I headed, and jumped on the treadmill…only to realise:

1. It was a rainy afternoon, which means gym was deserted;

2. Hence, no one to diagnose my gait; and,

2. I am not sure why I thought I could discern my OWN gait anyway. (silly Nima!).

So, I ran for a short while, got off the treadmill, stretched out my muscles and headed home in time to work on my exam essays, which is the reason for my sporadic blog updates. Give me time, guys, I’ll be back soon!

And hey – can you check out and tell me if my gait is ok?


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