And its here …….. NOT!

CitySportbloggers_E Starling-54

I’ve been quiet.  I’ve been struggling…..  I have had to do something that I have never done before.

Pull out!  Runner 11250 has officially deferred their entry until 2016 because, and here’s the surprise, his body isn’t 25 anymore!

I was out for the last long run a few weeks ago and I had to stop early, pulling up at 2 miles with an odd (and quite unpleasant) pain in my left knee.

Two sessions with my Osteo, a few needles too and I am pain free but I had to make the decision to defer knowing that my sheer bloody mindedness would get me round but I want to be able to enjoy 26.2.

So that’s me, disappointed – but not out!

In the words of Arny,  “I’ll be back!”

Have you had your gait looked at?

No – this isn’t some awful chat up line!

Just thought I’d share some learning.

Anyone who runs as part of their fitness routine really ought to be aware that most of us have funny feet.  We don’t run like Paula Radcliffe – though I suspect most of us don’t wee in the gutter on National telly either!!

Fact is that most of need “special shoes” because, as an organism, we’ve forgotten what it is to run.  Our feet have become lazy – consequently when you start to exercise your feet don’t strike the floor the way that Mother Nature would like.

The result – pain in your legs, shin splints at least and herniation at worst.  This becomes really noticeable the further you run (not everyone is daft enough to do 26.2) but even short runs place you at risk!  This doesn’t make mention of the mechanical compensation that your body will try and make – resulting in knee, hip and back problems.

So – the lesson, if you exercise and use a treadmill or the road, head to a running shop with about £100 in your pocket.  Take your trainers (the ones you actually run in).  If they’re worth their weight they’ll put you on a treadmill, film your gait, analyse it and then put you in footwear that you should notice the difference in.

You (and more importantly your legs, pelvis and back) have been warned!!

TUESDAY – What happened to Monday??

Well, failed.  Failed 18 miles.  Failed to complete Uni work.  Failed to complete blog!

Where did that time go?  Or is that just another way of saying – I didn’t try hard enough!

That’s the point of endurance.  It’s often not about completing in a record time.

Its about completing.  Its about trying as hard as you can and when the little voices in your head (or is that just me?) start saying, sit down, take a break – there’s a short cut over there – then that’s the time to remind yourself why!

CANCER – more specifically LEUKEAMIA.  That’s why I need to try harder.  Not because I have it.  Because it took my Dad.  My rock.  My hero.

I’m not pounding the streets for fun – for the thrill (believe me, there is a bizarre thrill to completing 26.2mi).

I’m doing this distance for my Dad, and for Leukeamia and Lyphoma research – to raise cash to keep the research going into fighting these diseases.  Oddly – he died of a leukaemia that normally affects 35-55 year olds!  He was 72.  That in itself got me thinking – I’m of an age where I could develop this – bugger that – lets fight it!

Lets try harder!!

CitySport is now open – like you didn’t know!!

Fabulous to meet Dani today – inspiring to hear the determination that athletes apply to achieve their goals.

It occurs to me though – have I really applied myself to achieve my goals?  Do any of us??  Or do we allow a degree of “that’ll do” to creep in.

A world record holder and gold medal athlete - and the other one is Dani King!!

A world record holder and gold medal athlete – and the other one is Dani King!!


I’m off to Pilates to work on one goal and then back to the library to ensure that I achieve another!

The 10 day 10 blog challenge


So.  I’ve been rubbish at telling you what I’m doing.  No excuses.  Its just the way it is.

Here’s my challenge to myself.

10 days and 10 blogs (Mon-Fri only!!!!)

Why?  Because there’s loads going on and I haven’t told you about it!  So over the next two weeks, short or long I’m going to tell you all about it!

AND I’m a technophobe.

Looking forward to seeing as many people as possible at the grand opening today – will take photos and upload (if I can remember how to do that).

Now – how exactly does this mouse eat its cheese?



So I’m new to blogging and not sure what you want to know. But here goes!

Ive started my training and a few weeks ago started to get back pain. Frustratingly this was as CitySport was opening.

I’ve used the gym a couple of times and have been really impressed by it, the staff, the space and the facilities.

l got the ok to recommence distance and I’ve just smashed 10 miles – 1hr 45. Happy with that!

And the learning (in the style of Monty Python) There is one main lesson – stretch, stretch and warm down. Two, two main lessons here are stretch, warm down and pace yourself. THREE. Three main lessons are stretch, warm down and pace yourself. I’ll start again!

Chat soon



About Me – Simon Dady

I’m a 41 year old full time MRes student (so almost mature!) and a Paramedic by qualification.  I live in Essex with my wife and our two young boys.  I have a keen interest in DIY, I’m a reservist with the Royal Navy and I’m fluent in Lego!

Physically – I am supposed to keep myself in good shape, but time and age have conspired against me.  I take an annual test and I’ve started to struggle to meet the minimum standard.  I’ve run a marathon (a long time ago) and a triathlon and a 10 mile military challenge in the last 18 months.  Never looking for a fast time – just to finish – I have a body built for distance not speed!

The gym membership is going to give me a great opportunity to achieve my training aims for the next few months and I’m really looking forward to trying (and reviewing) some classes.