
The Collaborating in Pregnancy and Early Years (COPE) Project

Our Researchers

Dr Ellinor Olander – Principal Investigator

Ellinor has worked at City since 2013, and teaches on the midwifery programme. She is a Senior Lecturer in Maternal and Child Health with a background in health psychology, health promotion and implementation science. Ellinor’s research focuses broadly on public health issues during and after pregnancy, supporting healthcare professionals to support women and their families. You can usually find her on Twitter @ekolander

Professor Ros Bryar – Collaborator

Ros has worked at City since 2000, and currently holds the post Emeritus Professor. She has worked extensively across England and Wales. Her background is in nursing, midwifery and health visiting.  She is a founding trustee of the Institute of Health Visiting.  Her research interests include health visiting, public health, service and organisational development. Ros enjoys gardening in her spare time.

Dr Justin Needle – Collaborator

Justin joined City in 2006 and is Senior Lecturer in Health Services Research & Policy, and programme director of the MSc Health Policy and BSc Health and Social Care. He has been involved in several externally funded research projects and published in a number of areas, including the allied health professions workforce, optometrists’ scope of therapeutic practice, the use of economic evaluation within public health, and home treatment in mental health.

Dr Fabiana Lorencatto – Collaborator

Fabiana worked at City for many years before she moved to University College London.  Her background is in health psychology, and her main research interest is in the application of effective behavioural interventions in clinical practice. Her work is largely in the area of smoking cessation and blood transfusion.

Dr Suzanne Lee – Midwifery Collaborator

Suzanne is a midwifery lecturer, and has worked at City since 2013. Her background is in midwifery practice, having previously worked in Brighton. She is interested in antenatal care, specifically midwifery care for women with high risk pregnancies. She recently completed her PhD which focused on risk perception in high risk pregnancy.

Judy Brook – Health Visitor collaborator

Judy has worked at City since 2015.  Her background is in nursing and health visiting and she previously practised in the South West of England.  Her current post is Senior Lecturer in Health Visiting and Associate Dean, Partnerships and Placements. Her research has focused on workforce development, particularly areas of public health workforce including sexual health nurses, health visitors and early career nurses.  In her spare time she enjoys following rugby league.

Erica Harris – Patient and Public Involvement Representative

Erica is mother of a premature baby and has experienced NHS care from different trusts throughout pregnancy and postpartum. Since the birth of her daughter, she has been involved in a variety of patient and public involvement (PPI) activities, particularly relating to maternity and women’s health. In addition, she has 10 years’ experience working within research, NHS, voluntary and higher education settings.

Dr Ryc Aquino – Collaborator

Ryc’s background is in health psychology and community-based care, with a focus on healthcare professional communication and collaborative behaviours. Her PhD, from City, University of London (supervisors: Dr Olander and Professors McCourt and Bryar), explored the interface between midwives and health visitors when providing maternity care, through a narrative systematic review and a series of qualitative studies.

She is a Research Fellow in Prevention, Early Intervention and Behaviour Change in the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) North East and North Cumbria based at Newcastle University and is a Visiting Researcher at the Primary Care Unit, University of Cambridge. Ryc is on Twitter @rycaquino.

Celine Chhoa – Research Assistant


Celine has worked at City since 2014 as a research assistant. She is currently a PhD student at the UCL Institute of Education. Her main research interest is in parenting and children’s early social and emotional development, and how findings in this area can be translated into effective early intervention strategies.

Rose Coates – Collaborator

Rose joined City in 2016 as research assistant, having completed her PhD at the University of Sussex. Her background is in perinatal mental health and her research interests include perinatal anxiety and depression measurement, symptoms of perinatal distress, and intervention. She is kept busy by her two young boys and in any spare time bakes and runs. Rose is on Twitter @RoseCoatesBN5

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