Food in Lockdown and Beyond: Blog and updates 

Blog posts, publications and other relevant resources produced by our research team and colleagues

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Beyond 'vouchers versus hampers'

“The debate around the contents of Chartwells’ food hampers, or even hamper versus cash first approaches, is a distraction from the fact that children and parents in low-income families need far more than emergency sticking plasters…”

Featured on Food Research Collaboration blog

21st January 2021

Charlotte Gallagher Squires and Dr Anna Isaacs

Researching remotely: Using mapping and photography to research space and place

“…photography and mapping can facilitate a political process in which participants can communicate the boundaries and opportunities for agency in their everyday life and locality.”  

Featured on the Covid Realities Blog

24th August 2020

Dr Anna Isaacs Charlotte Gallagher Squires

Healthy eating: Can COVID-19 shape opportunities for future policy?

“COVID-19 has created a space in which innovative and ambitious measures to help people maintain a healthy diet are both more feasible and necessary than ever before…”

Featured on Nutrition Connect’s Blog

17th June 2020

Kimberley Neve, Centre for Food Policy

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