Category: CPD

Sun, Sand & Seagulls : Visit to Sussex Uni Library

A good way of keeping up to date  professionally is by visiting other institutions.  Ever in search of amazing researcher support,  I intrepidly headed south to the  University of Sussex Library.  Sussex Uni is in Falmer which is near Brighton.  The Research Support section in the Library Academic Services provides dedicated support to research faculty…Continue Reading Sun, Sand & Seagulls : Visit to Sussex Uni Library

Umbrella 2013

CILIP’s “Umbrella” Conference is held every two years with the purpose of bringing library and information professionals from different sectors together. Under one quite big, metaphorical umbrella, as it were. This year it was held at the University of Manchester and I was there. As were six hundred or so others. It was an interesting…Continue Reading Umbrella 2013

Reflections on starting @ City

I started working here at City as Research Librarian in February 2013  and here are a few highlights from my time here so far: I have enjoyed learning new things, using social media such as writing the Citylibresearchers  blog  and using Twitter to engage with academics and others.   I have enjoyed doing presentations to staff…Continue Reading Reflections on starting @ City

Career Development Day for Library & Information Assistants

In February, Amy, James, Sue and I attended this event run by CPD25, which was aimed specifically at Library & Information Assistants. The event was held in the Hardy Room of the London Mathematical Society on Russell Square. The day was divided into two: in the morning Jeremy Clark from Sue Hill Recruitment held a…Continue Reading Career Development Day for Library & Information Assistants

Notes from the House of Commons Library visit 20th February 2013

(Image by UK Parliament) City University library was well represented at the House of Commons Library visit in February. Attendance was prompted by link to faculty, a general interest in political history, and not least the wonderfully evocative interior of the library and its cloisters. I was particularly interested in getting a better idea of…Continue Reading Notes from the House of Commons Library visit 20th February 2013

SDG at the CDG

‘Twas a dark and stormy night… well, it wasn’t actually, though it did rain in Birmingham. That was the only real downside to attending the CILIP Career Development Group Conference back in July, an event held at the impressive Austin Court, and aimed at bringing a mixture of new and experienced professionals together in order…Continue Reading SDG at the CDG