Catherine Cronin webinar on Critical digital literacies, data literacies, and open practice

I’m delighted to announce that on Friday, January 11th, 12-1pm we have the final webinar as part of the module EDM122. The webinar will be given by Catherine Cronin, Strategic Education Developer at the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education in Ireland. 

Catherine tells us…..

As educators in an increasingly digital, networked culture, we are called upon to do a herculean range of things: manage our digital identities, assess a never-ending range of digital tools (and master at least some of them), understand copyright and open licensing,  

publish openly, share openly, and not least, manage the continually evolving risks of all of these activities. And we support our students in doing the same. Open educational practices can provide powerful ways for us to improve educational access, enhance learning, and empower learners  — but openness is not a panacea. The heart of all approaches to open education and open practice should be to develop critical digital (and data) literacies and to foster agency on the part of all learners and educators regarding whether, how, and in what contexts they choose to be open.

Open Education, Open Questions. EDUCAUSE Review, 23 October, 2017.

You can follow her on Twitter: @catherinecronin and her website/blog:

The webinar is open to all and available in Adobe Connect, with no password required.

About Jane Secker

Associate Professor in Educational Development at City, University of London

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