Connection and presence in online teaching – a webinar by Dave White

Dave WhiteI’m delighted that Dave White from the University of the Arts London has agreed to present a webinar for the third year running as part of my module. The session will be taking place on Tuesday 24th November from 11am-12pm. Dave is always well worth listening to, whatever topic he is speaking about. However, the title of his webinar on Tuesday is really relevant at the moment given the shift to online learning and the concerns many of us have about student engagement. I think the idea of connection and presence when we teaching online is really important and I’m looking forward to this session very much. Dave tells me more about the session and says:

“Moving teaching online has emphasised our need for connection and co-presence. It appears these don’t come for ‘free’ in digital spaces and must be deliberately designed into our online pedagogy. In this session we will explore the notion of Connectivism to reflect on the digital spaces and teaching practices which cultivate a sense of presence and collective belonging online.”

As ever, the session is open to guests from outside City, and anyone not taking the module. Just get in touch via this form if you would like to join and I will send you the invite details.

About Jane Secker

Associate Professor in Educational Development at City, University of London

2 thoughts on “Connection and presence in online teaching – a webinar by Dave White

  1. Hi Jane, is the Dave White connections and presence webinar available as a recording, I would be interested to listen to the presentation if possible.

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