Fantastic Deaf families

Thanks to some very generous Deaf families, we ae able to include video clips of children and young people using BSL in our module describing ‘Typical language development in sign’. These clips show conversations between children and their parents between the ages of 18 months and 10 years old.

These familes have enabled all family members to be involved in discussing the project and giving consent for the use of clips.

It’s much more difficult to find appropriate clips to use in the module describing atypical development. The ethical issues around consent and use of clips where children are struggling to learn language are challenging! We have Deaf colleagues who watch the signing of children, then reproduce this alongside a comparison of the adult version of the BSL. Not ideal but a good resource for beginning discussions about how colleagues can use language to discuss the language they see.

One thought on “Fantastic Deaf families

  1. Thank you for working so hard to find a way round this – it seems a very important aspect of making progress in this field.

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