Teaching Excellence Project

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City University London is one of the institutions taking part in the a Higher Education Academy change academy programme focused on Recognising Teaching Excellence. The programme provides the opportunity for a team to examine a range of issues around this topic with other institutions and the support of critical friends and experts.

The team from City University London is led by Dr Pam Parker from the Learning Development Centre and includes Julie Attenborough from the School of Health Sciences, Maggie Cunningham from Academic Services, Dr Wayne Holland from Cass Business School and James Perkins Vice President Education Student Union.


The project started in December 2012 and the team plan over the period of a year to explore and review the current recognition and award processes and, analyse the criteria used within this scheme for teaching excellence to ensure it provides a transparent and robust system but also promotes progression for teaching excellence. We will also examine individual discipline criteria for teaching excellence and draw out core teaching excellence principles that apply across the University and enhance the current process for disseminating good practice.

The team will be collecting data through a range of approaches which will include interviews with staff and students, collecting case studies of teaching excellence, data from the current award scheme, documentary analysis from learning and teaching committees, a review of recognition schemes within other institutions both in the UK and internationally and a literature review focused on key areas such as teaching excellence, awards and recognition.

We have a blog for the project and would like to encourage you to post your thoughts on the blog as well as answer some questions we have provided. Here is the link to the blog  http://blogs.city.ac.uk/teachingexcellence/


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