Have you ever thought about bringing a visual alive to really engage your students?
So before you might have posted an image of a skeleton like the one you see on the left and let the students memorise the various parts.

Moodle 2 will now enable you to create a visual quiz using an image such as this. The skeleton could then be kept blank with the aim of providing students with further text that is separate, which they could drag to the appropriate position to enable deeper learning to take place. See the example below.
Drag and drop questions onto images are a popular form of ‘selection’ question consisting of images or words which can be dragged from a list and dropped into pre-defined gaps on the base image. For more details, the OpenLearn LabSpace at Open University (OU) have their own guidance page up on their question types that also include videos (this is delivered in Moodle). There are also comprehensive instructions (aimed at their tutors) about how to use them. This is under How to create an iCMA in Moodle.
This type of quiz might be a visual example of a formative assessment in areas where images may be needed to help illustrate component parts. Areas such as Health, Engineering, Mathematics and others might wish to give it a go. In a recent staff session on video making; this type of quiz was used to illustrate a camera and all the component parts that went with it. Interested? Contact your local ed. tech team.
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