Here is the University in Rhodes where the conference started. This conference is held annually and encompasses learning for all from primary to secondary school and higher education.
There are a range of themes running throughout the conference from assessment and evaluation to college life and professional teacher development.
Both Patrick Baughan and I attended from the LDC and both of us gave workshops. There were a range of plenaries, parallel sessions and workshops to choose from as well as time to network with the participants who come from around the world.
This year’s main theme for the plenaries was focused around learning for design. There had been some key projects for Greece around this theme due to the need to review programmes, how to engage students and their parents and development for teachers. The projects undertaken had involved partnerships with others around the world and had involved a range of activities from running sessions with parents to changing how to teach maths.
In my workshop I shared some of the activities we had undertaken to explore teaching excellence as part of the HEA change academy project and found that of the twenty two participants in my workshop there were some similar views about teaching excellence, what defines it and how to assess it. This provided some good debate.
There is more posted about the sessions I attended on my conference blog so follow this link http://blogs.city.ac.uk/pamsconferences/
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