Audience: City University London Staff
Learning Enhancement & Development are looking at future educational technology developments and we are looking for input from City University London staff. Tell us about your experience of using educational technology and what enhancements you would like to see in the future by completing the staff educational technology survey.

Image by CraigTaylor74 (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
It is important that you complete this survey for us to gain accurate feedback from academics and administrators to ensure the requirements for any change are driven by those that use educational technology to support teaching at City.
This survey will take a maximum of 20 minutes to complete. If you don’t use specific technologies online or in a face to face teaching environment you will be able to skip certain sections reducing the amount of time required to complete the survey.
If you would like to be entered into a draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher please provide your staff email at the end of the survey. The answer to this question will not be included in the data analysis.
We would look forward to hearing your feedback and we will publish the results on this blog which is accessible to all staff and students.
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