I’ve used both the fixed lecture capture in larger rooms, and personal capture, with some success and had extremely positive feedback on it from students. It’s usually worth editing the recordings if only to cut out breaks in the lecture, but this is easy to do once you have learned to use the software. Once you are in the lecture room, it can be best simply to teach as though the lecture capture wasn’t there, so you still have plenty of interaction with students, and very often the students who view the videos are ones who were also attentive in lectures and just want to review a particular point.
Martin Rich, Lecturer at Cass Business School, Faculty of Management |
What is lecture capture and how is it being used?
Lecture capture combines different technologies to record and distribute lectures digitally. Its use has been growing at City University, with 2888 recordings having been captured so far, 992 this academic year alone.
It is installed in all rooms that seat more than 60 students, so it is a valuable resource available now. Student demand and needs have been the key drivers for the implementation of this technology, as students value it as a “safety net”, in case they miss a lecture; to help them understand course content, especially to clarify difficult points; supplement note-taking and to help them control the pace of learning. It is highly valued by students when revising for exams or when working on their assignments; if English is not their first language, or if they have learning difficulties.
Lecturers have access and control over when and how the captured material is released, and access to metrics like “heat maps”, that help them understand who is engaging with the material and what parts of the lecture students are playing more often.
It is a quick and easy way to create multimedia material to help students, a way to explore innovative pedagogy and to find ways of promoting learning before, during and after lectures. Students can play the recordings on any device.

Example heat map showing usage by students. Lecturers can also see which students have played the captured material.
How do I get started?
Lecture capture events will be taking places in Schools during the Spring term.
Professional development is available through the Educational Technology Team. We can help you get started, or to find ways of using the captured material to innovate your pedagogy and engage students. Get in touch with the Educational Technology Team via Service Now or your school relationship lead or educational technologists.
To use it for the first time, you will need to use Service Now to add a block on your Moodle module.
Use Service Now to schedule lecture capture recordings.
Check out our online guidance page, or get in touch to find out how to get started, or if you want to discuss ways of using your recorded material to promote more active learning experiences.
How will lecture capture be developed?
Work and research is being done to improve the quality of the recordings, by capturing, for instance, the work done on whiteboards or Squiggle glass, by allowing mobile devices to be captured, or by having more roaming microphones in lecture rooms, so lecturers can move more freely. Some work will also be done on finding ways to help students use captured material critically and to develop their study skills.
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