is conference was focused on scholarship and how it provides an evidence based for pedagogic and academic practice. Many working in educational development are very familiar with the work of Boyer (1990) and Shulman (1999)…

is conference was focused on scholarship and how it provides an evidence based for pedagogic and academic practice. Many working in educational development are very familiar with the work of Boyer (1990) and Shulman (1999)…
Last week, I attended the Higher Education Academy ‘Inspire’ Conference for the Social Sciences in Manchester. My free passport to this great conference was as a member of the “BlogSquad” to live-tweet and blog about…
The Annual Association for Learning Technology conference (ALTC) took place from the 8th – 10th September, with the theme of ‘Shaping the Future Together’. I attended the second day of the conference as it had…
If you’re looking for new teaching and learning ideas for the coming academic year, then lecture capture recordings of presentations from the 2015 Cass Teaching and Learning Showcase might provide some inspiration. The annual event…
This year, the Association of Law Teachers (ALT) had it 50th Annual Conference held at Cardiff. There were 2 keynotes, 6 parallel sessions comprising of 38 presentations and 2 discussions, and a Teaching Law with…
The International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE) was held in Greece in early July, the first international conference held overseas I’d presented at. Here are ten reflections based on the experience…
Twenty-Second International Conference on Learning – What counts as Learning? Big Data, Little Data, Evidence and Assessment 9-11 July 2015 Madrid Spain. The conference opened with two good plenary sessions. One was from Diana Laurillard,…
Increasingly in Higher Education we work with uncertainty and complexity without simple solutions or clear trajectories. Consequently to develop as leaders, our fundamental tool is reflective practice. This involves creating a space to reflect on…
This week I attended the Westminster Higher Education Forum on technology in higher education. There were a number of interesting presentations and discussions with contributions from across the sector. One particular aspect of interest concerned…
This conference focused on internationalising the curriculum and how academic developers can support institutions and colleagues explore the positive benefits of this. This provided a good opportunity to explore a range of issues related to…