Greetings from Prague, The eLearning conference 2013, organised by IADIS, has just concluded. I am happy to report that the book of proceedings from conference is now online. The full paper written by Samantha Halford…

Greetings from Prague, The eLearning conference 2013, organised by IADIS, has just concluded. I am happy to report that the book of proceedings from conference is now online. The full paper written by Samantha Halford…
This wall has been painted with write on paint Write on it with whiteboard markers Write on a small space… …or write all over the wall Capture your work by taking a photo Wipe…
City University is embarking on a multi-million Vision project of new building. Over the past year as the Learning Development Associate for Learning Spaces at the LDC I have been researching World Class Learning Spaces…
In a recent research visit to The Aalto University of Helsinki’s Design Factory my aim was to research and explore innovative learning space ideas that could be incorporated in to the vision for…
I was asked to run* a session for Learning@City 2013 Conference about the project I have been doing as part of my Learning Development Associate secondment. The project’s focus is the use and impact of…
The LDC are hosting the third annual research symposium which sees over 20 doctoral students from a range of subjects and disciplines presenting their research to staff and students.Its an event not to be missed!…
The workshop I ran recently as part of The Learning Conference at City proved very productive. The focus was World Class Creative Learning Spaces, with participants formulating ideas on the key qualities of the…
The news that City will be getting some swivel seating in the newly designed basement lecture theatre is certainly highly encouraging for learning development at City, and for the student experience. The standard…
Hosted by the University of Chester on May 21st. this was a most productive one day active workshop event that brought together a rich mix of 40 innovators in learning, business, academia and the…
The full paper can be viewed here Our paper: “Using a techno-scepticism framework to evaluate the perception and acceptance of a new online reading list” has been accepted as a full paper for the…