Audience: City University London staff. The Advice on Module Page (AMP) is a personalised online service that provides recommendations to support staff in designing more effective and engaging Moodle modules. Requesting the AMP…

Audience: City University London staff. The Advice on Module Page (AMP) is a personalised online service that provides recommendations to support staff in designing more effective and engaging Moodle modules. Requesting the AMP…
Audience: City University London staff The Blended Learning Theme have developed a series of Moodle workshops exploring some of the more advanced features of assignment, feedback and grader report (aka Gradebook) features in Moodle. We…
Learning@City 2013 In 2013 the Learning Development Centre invited Graham Gibbs to be the keynote speaker at our annual learning and teaching conference Learning@City. The theme of the conference was Assessment and Feedback and Graham…
There are several ways to mark on moodle. In this blog I will list three ways in which this is possible. Mark Moodle Assignments Using a Marking Record A marking record is very similar to…
A key purpose of assessment is to provide feedback to students on their learning. Multiple Choice questions (MCQs) can be a useful tool for formative testing. The design and the embedding of feedback into MCQ…
I was recently playing host for an Evaluation of Learners’ Experiences of e-learning Special Interest Group (ELESIG) Summer Symposium held in one of our very own flexible spaces A109. The highlight of the symposium was…
Moodle is City University London’s virtual learning environment (VLE). As you may know, the ed. tech teams in schools are busy working on enhancements to Moodle. This will take advantage of exciting new functionality offered…
What is it? ‘A Massive Open Online course (MOOC) is a model for delivering learning content online to virtually any person, with no limit on attendance (hence the word massive), that want to attend the…
One of the most important things for students growing up today is the love of embracing change. In the context of the 21st century learner, how can we prepare them to have curiosity and a…
My second blog post reflecting on teaching innovations of 2012 is dedicated to my use of Twitter during one undergraduate module in the year just passed. My original intention, in embedding a Twitter widget within…