Video in Education – a special interest group – invites you to grab a coffee and share best practice at our first webinar. Formed in summer 2012, this group’s focus is on sharing practice within…
Tagged By video

The rise of the still camera for film making
Despite both using light to record images, until recently the worlds of video-making and photography were distinct entities, requiring separate equipment and facilities. If you wanted to take professional-looking photographs, you’d buy a SLR camera…
Top Tips for Filming from the MILL.
The MILL (Media and Innovation Learning Lab) have been running Final Cut Pro training for staff for a number of years now and has recently introduced a new iMovie course. As part of these courses…
The MILL: Guest Starring iTunes U
The MILL: Guest Starring iTunes U event was held on 1st November 2011 and was designed to launch both iTunes U and the MILL at City University London, making staff aware of how both can…