Are you a member of staff? Tell us what you think of IT here at City!

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There’s still time to enter the Information Services Staff Survey, and take your chance to win a free iPad mini! We’ve made a lot of changes to our services over the last year, and have been working hard to improve the service we offer.  We want to find out how you feel we’re doing.

Go to to take part!

iPadWe are conducting this survey in order to get a better understanding of staff satisfaction and engagement with IT Services and support. Your opinions are important to us, and this survey is your chance to express those opinions. The survey closes on 1st June, so enter soon to make sure you don’t miss your chance to win. To be entered into the prize draw you will need to enter your staff email address when asked. Otherwise the survey is anonymous.

We hope to use your feedback to:

  • Show where our services are meeting your needs
  • Help develop services to meet future requirements
  • Highlight areas where improvement is needed

Once the results are in and we’ve had some time to analyse them, an action plan will be developed and communicated to staff. This will allow you to see how we plan to develop our services and support you in your work at City.

As well as our staff survey, you can send us feedback through ServiceNow at any time. If you have a compliment, a complaint, or a suggestion simply visit: and use the feedback buttons on the page.  We regularly review the feedback that is provided through this channel and use this information to inform our service delivery.

The survey should only take 10 minutes to complete, and gives you the chance to win a free iPad Mini 16GB. So please take 10 minutes of your time to tell us your thoughts by filling in our survey at:

Remember to enter your email address at the end if you want to be entered into the prize draw!