Web Editors Welcome Newly Upgraded CMS

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Information Services have recently completed an upgrade of our web content management system (CMS), Squiz Matrix. This upgrade brings us new functionality, better performance and a smoother interface.

IT Services 200Squiz Matrix brings with it a variety of improved features, including greatly improved speed. This means content editors can spend less time waiting for the system and more time editing! As well as increased speed, Squiz Matrix gives us greater stability by introducing fixes for a number of bugs. While the old CMS was only usable with a small number of browsers, the new version brings us much better compatibility, allowing editors to use whichever browser they prefer.

The upgrade also brings with it an entirely new interface that is not only simpler and easier to use, but allows the use of new features that editors can use on the website. This will help the university’s content editors to create better sites than ever before.

As well as giving us access to all of the features of Squiz Matrix, outsourcing our web editing system means we can free up our teams to work on other tasks and save money on the maintenance costs associated with running our own service. It also gives us access to a dedicated support service who can help us to resolve any issues we may encounter with the system.

Squiz Matrix has been in use at the University for the past 7 years during which time it has been used for the University website, whilst an older CMS, Serena Collage, was used to support our intranet site.  With Serena Collage due to be discontinued in the coming weeks, Squiz Matrix is set to become our CMS for both the internet and intranet sites.

30 existing Squiz Matrix editors have already attended a refresher training session to get acquainted with the upgraded system whilst many more staff are registering for full Squiz training sessions. Squiz training is available through Business Systems Training, and can be booked by following the instructions on the IT Training website here: https://intranet.city.ac.uk/staff/it-training/.