As we are moving towards energy saving across our estate, we have enabled power saving across our student fleet of machines, including the AV/POD unit PC’s. This equates to around 1500 or more machines across all sites. The new CADDI/Pod build for the 2015/2016 academic year is now configured to power down machines from 22:00 when most buildings should be closed for general use. Any machines that have been left logged in will display a message to this effect ten minutes before shutdown initialises.
Utilising a combination of SCCM and Intel vPro technologies, these machines are then powered on remotely on a daily basis so they are ready and available for use 15 minutes before the start of the day.
Going forward, the aim will be to extend this to staff machines, however this needs further investigation and planning as staff tend to stay logged into their machines or may need remote access to their machines out of hours.
Since ensuring the machines are turned off between 22:00 and 8:00, we are saving around 33%, i.e., 1/3 saving in power usage.