Studentships and the Research Office

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Studentships and the Research Office

When the Research Office identified a need to streamline the data collection for studentships, the Applications Management Team worked to create an e-vision task that would help.

Research Office staff needed easy access to overview and maintain studentship data for research students.  SITS was the system that needed to hold the data, but to learn how to use SITS for these purposes would have been difficult for the staff concerned.

To address this issue, a task was designed using e-vision that staff are able to access easily with very little training required, and which gives them just the information that they need from SITS, with access to update the relevant data.  It also gives access to display absence information to which they had never before been able to gain access.

The task was introduced to staff at a briefing session where the task was praised by participants for being both useful and straightforward to use.  The Research Office have since been using their new task with great success and have been able to increase efficiency and reduce duplication of data in relation to this aspect of their work.

If you have a task or issue that you believe the Applications Management Team could help to improve, you can submit it to the team to be considered as a project.  To do this, you will first need to submit a request in Service Now by going to  For detailed information about the whole process of requesting a project and how we prioritise our work, see the ‘Making Our Work Transparent‘ blog article.