Posts By pente

IT Promotes Sustainability at City

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Information Services are delighted to have been awarded a platinum award at this year’s Sustainability Awards ceremony.  This reflects good practice in taking day to day green initiatives around the office, however, our green initiatives extend much further than this…  …

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IT Services available to you

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Information Services is involved in almost every aspect of University life, from admissions and graduations, down to payroll management and Sports Centre memberships. We recently undertook a project to create a catalogue of all the…

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How IS contributed to CitySport

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Wednesday 18th of March saw the grand opening of the University’s new sports centre, CitySport, with speeches, guided tours and demonstrations from some of the University’s teams. Along with a large delegation of City staff…

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What is the Portal?

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On 04 February 2015, the Student Portal was launched.  This modern and simple to use interface marks the start of a new way for our students to engage with a range of online University services, and paves…

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New Year, New Facilities

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We have a new building, Abacus House Information Services has moved into the new Abacus House building, opposite the Gloucester building. The last team to move in was the IT Service Desk who took up…

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