Welcome to the LDC Newsletter for January 2013.
Included this month:
- SLE Investment Updates from the Educational Vignettes Blog
- Recognising Teaching Excellence
- Research Supervision & Mentoring Modules – Places left for Spring 2013
- Learning at City Journal, Vol. 3 – Call for articles
- Dates for your Diary
SLE Investment Updates from the Educational Vignettes Blog
Three new posts on the LDC’s Educational Vignettes Blog explain details of the coming investment in the Strategic Learning Environment at City.
Firstly, Annemarie Cancienne details the changes expected during the coming upgrade to Moodle 2.0 scheduled for spring 2013. The system is planned to be made available to all students for the start of the 2013-14 academic year, and Annemarie gives an overview of what’s new. To read the article click here.
Rae Bowdler then goes into greater detail about the way in which the Moodle system will work, especially how the file management system will change. Rae introduces the Moodle 2.0 File Picker and explains the key improvements it will offer. Read more here.
The third post is also by Rae Bowdler, although in this article we leave Moodle behind and explore the use of multimedia in education, from external research to the latest tools available at City. Find out how you can use multimedia in your teaching and who can help you get the most out of it, here.
Recognising Teaching Excellence

As part of the change academy project focused on recognising teaching excellence a range of activities will be taking place over the next year which you can participate in. The next activity we will be hosting is a workshop for both student programme representatives and Learning Development Fellows to explore teaching excellence at City University London on Monday 4th March. This will be facilitated by Julie Hall who is the Head of Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit at Roehampton University and co-chair of SEDA. Watch out for further details.
We have a blog for this project to provide up to date information about activities and our findings. On the blog we have posted some questions so if you wish to contribute then follow this link and provide us with your thoughts – http://blogs.city.ac.uk/teachingexcellence/ . We are also interested in interviewing staff and students to collect your thoughts about what teaching excellence is and examples of this. If you are willing to be interviewed then contact Dr Pam Parker via e-mail P.M.Parker@city.ac.uk
Learning at City Journal, Vol. 3 – Call for articles
Have you undertaken some development or a small scale study focused on learning and teaching that you could share with others across the University? If you have, why not write an article for the next edition of the Learning at City Journal due out in April? You need to submit your article by Friday 15th February so that it can be peer reviewed prior to submission.
Send your article to Dr Pam Parker via e-mail P.M.Parker@city.ac.uk
Follow this link for guidance on format for the article http://www.city.ac.uk/about/education/ldc/resources/learning-at-city-journal
Research Supervision Module – Places left for February 2013
The research supervision module starts in February and there are places available. The module focuses on approaches and processes for supervision, issues that impact on progress and supporting research students. Whilst the module focuses on PhD supervision most of the content can be applied to Masters students as well. If you are new to supervising, then this module will help you understand your role.
The module has three taught days from 10.00 – 16.00 on 19th February, 20th March and 17th April with some online content between these days. The assessment for the module is an essay but on a topic you negotiate. To book a place e-mail maap@city.ac.uk
MA Academic Practice, Mentoring module – Places left for April 2013
We are pleased to announce that there are some places left for the Mentoring module, a 15 credit, M level module which forms part of the MA Academic Practice programme. This module addresses mentoring theory and practice, and introduces coaching and other related activities. It should be of value to anyone who has some form of mentoring or related role. Learners can undertake an assessment which involves drawing up a mentoring plan and writing a short, specialised literature review.
Teaching comprises two full days and two half days, running on April and May 2013. For further details and / or to apply, please email: ldc@city.ac.uk. To raise any enquiries about the content of the module, please contact Patrick Baughan, the Module Leader, on: p.baughan@city.ac.uk.
Dates for your Diary
Journal Article Submission Deadline – Friday 15th February 2013
Research Supervision Module – Tuesday 19th February 2013
Teaching Excellence Workshop – Monday 4th March 2013
Spring Researchers’ Development Day – Tuesday 16th April 2013
Learning at City Conference – Thursday 6th June 2013
Research Symposium – Wednesday 26th June 2013