Included in the November Newsletter:
Call for articles – Learning at City Journal
Research Methods and Skills Development Day – open for booking
National Teaching Fellowship Development Scheme
RISES programme
Call for abstracts – Research Symposium
MA Leading Change in HE Module
Educational Vignettes
Meet the team
Call for articles – Learning at City Journal
The Learning at City Journal is produced twice a year and is your chance to share good practice in education you have been undertaking. This could be designing a new module, revising an assessment, using a new approach for your teaching or involving students more in their learning. There are many really good practices around the University that could be shared more widely so write an article for the journal. You may have presented at a conference but not thought about writing so now is your chance. We take submissions throughout the year and publish the journal in December and June of each year. Here is the link to more information
Research Methods and Skills Development Day
The first of this year’s Research development days is taking place on Wednesday 4th December. This full-day event is targeted at doctoral students at City University and offers a range of sessions on research methodologies and skills. The event also provides an open forum to share interests and explore research issues with other researchers and academic staff.
The December event will also feature an Industry v Academia panel discussion led by two former City Psychology PhD graduates; Dr. Kiki Koutmeridou, and Dr. Esha Massand. They will be sharing their personal perspectives on each of their chosen career paths. Dr Koutmeridou has followed an industry-based career and is currently head of Behavioural Economics in an international Marketing company, whereas Dr Massand is part-way through her second post doctoral research appointment based at a Developmental Neuroscience lab at Birkbeck, University of London.
Follow this link for more information and to book a place:
National Teaching Fellowship Development Scheme
Each year the Higher Education Academy publish a call for Universities to submit applications from staff who are felt to have made a sustained contribution to students experience through innovative, creativity and teaching excellence. This call is published in November of each year normally.
The Learning Development Centre runs an annual development scheme to support those who would like to work towards being an applicant for the National Teaching Fellowship. This scheme involves exploring what you do now, your impact in your department, school and within the University and beyond and what development you might need to support you meeting the criteria for a National Teaching Fellow.
If you would like to apply to join the scheme which will be preparing you for possible submission in 2014-2015 then write an application of no more than 500 words outlining your reasons for applying and providing some background to your possible claims for the National Teaching Fellowship. In addition discuss this with your Associate Dean for Education within your School so they can support your application with a short statement. These should both be sent to Dr Pam Parker via e-mail by Friday 6th December 2013.
More information about the HEA National Teaching Fellowship Scheme is available at this website link
RISES programme
Recognising Individual Senior Education Staff
TheLDC has gained accreditation for the above programme through the Higher Education Academy. This programme provides a continuing professional development opportunity for staff to gain Senior Fellowship with the HEA as well as Senior Learning Development Fellowship using a portfolio approach.
If you are an experienced member of staff who can demonstrate leading, managing, influencing and impact in the area of learning and teaching within your school and/or the University then consider being recognised through this programme.
If you would like to find out more e-mail Dr Pam Parker by Thursday 21st November to register for the introductory workshop being held on Friday 29th November from 9.30 – 11.30. The workshop will outline the process of gaining Senior Fellowship and how to register to achieve this.
Research Symposium – Call for Abstracts
The 2013/14 Research Symposium will take place on Wednesday 26th March 2014. This event provides an opportunity for doctoral students to prepare for presenting posters and sessions at conferences. The call for abstracts for the symposium will go out at the end of November. Check the webpages for more information.
Leading Change in Higher Education – MAAP Module
We are now recruiting participants for the Leading Change in Higher Education module that will run as part of the MA Academic Practice from January 2013. In this challenging and uncertain time within HE it is vital to develop leadership skills that draw on self-awareness, leadership models and exploration of change. Leadership and being an agent of change are qualities that apply to all roles and grades of work. This module creates a space within which to reflect, network and discover in order to build on your role as a leader of change. Across the four contact days, the participants will take part in a visit, action learning set, reflection, presentation and discussion. The module will be driven by the experiences of the participants.
The module will be lead by Professor Susannah Quinsee, an experienced leader of change, who along with senior staff in LEAD has been nominated for a THE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Leadership Development this year.
Fees are waived for this module for City staff including visiting lecturers and current City PhD students. Read more info and apply here
Check out the latest vignettes on our other blog:
Video Making Skills Horizon Scanning SLE achievements 2012-13
Meet the Team
Hester & Iro

We job-share in the role of Learning Development Support Officer. This role involves supporting different aspects of the work that the LDC does; on the one hand, we help support the smooth running of our academic programmes, and on the other we help organise LDC-led events aimed at researchers and Higher Education academic staff and professionals. These include the Researchers Development Days and Symposium and The annual Learning at City Conference.
We, in the support team, form the first point of contact for academic staff and research/doctoral students wanting to find out more about Academic Practice modules or about the different research student-focused events that we organise and run. Our role also involves looking at how to improve and evolve LDC-run events based on feedback and delegate suggestions through analysing feedback responses and putting together evaluation reports.
We are also involved in the communication strategy of the department, creating, updating and maintaining the LDC webpages and promoting the LDC and its services across the University.
Iro joined the team in November 2012.
My role at the LDC takes up half of my working week; the rest is taken up by my PhD write up. I am a PhD student with the Department of Psychology here at City, and am currently in the last stages before submitting my thesis in Cognitive Neuroscience. Research is currently taking over my weekends as well, as I collaborate on a research project at UCL. The rest of my time (if there’s any left by the end of the week), is dedicated to walking around London for hours on end, cooking, and thinking of elaborate arguments and justifications to convince my significant other that irregular hours are perfect for keeping a pet dog.
Hester has been working in the LDC since April 2012.
Previous to my role here I worked in various Student support roles at another university including student housing and volunteering/work experience and have over 12 years’ experience in Higher Education administration. When not working for the LDC I spend my time entertaining my 7 year old by visiting museums and galleries and dreaming up new and exciting meal time feasts for my family and friends. Any other spare time is spent reading, watching films and taking long relaxing walks by the sea-side and in the countryside (usually ending up in a nice pub)
Dates for your Diary
- 4th
December 2013- Research Methods and Skills Development Day
- 26th March 2014 – Researchers’ Symposium
- 20th May 2014 – Research Methods and Skills Development Day
- 4th June 2014 – Learning at City Conference