Month: August 2011

EDEN Conference Report

Neal and Olivia attended the Eden conference, held at University College Dublin 19-22 June, to present a paper entitled Building and Sustaining a Learning Community for Professional Educators in a Web 2.0 world. This paper, which reported on our experiences of developing and teaching the 30 credit Technology Enabled Academic Practice module on the LDC’s…Continue Reading EDEN Conference Report


PREDICT, which stands for ‘Promoting Realistic Engaging Discussions in Curriculum Teams) is a JISC funded project within the Institutional Approaches to Curriculum Design Programme. The project focus is to develop a new curriculum design process that is efficient, flexible, focuses on enhancing educational development and the student experience and, is supported with responsive technology to…Continue Reading PREDICT Project

CitySpace Obituary: Peter Kogan

Peter Kogan, Work-based Learning Advisor, School of Informatics I’d never used a VLE before I joined City in 2004, so CitySpace was my first…VLE. I thought it was amazing in many ways, but mainly in that its accessibility and usability were infinitely superior to the SPIN (spreadsheet + Post-It Note) systems I had used in…Continue Reading CitySpace Obituary: Peter Kogan