As part of the ongoing Learning Spaces Project, the LDC has been working together with School of Health Sciences (SHS), Properties and Facilities, Timetabling, and Information Services to put together a new computer lab space in College Building. This new space will be a departure from labs as we know it: half of the room…Continue Reading A New Learning Space Comes to City
Learning @ City 2012 Conference Launch

Are you aiming for Gold in Assessment & Feedback? This week sees the launch of the Learning at City 2012 Conference . City University London staff and students are invited to attend the 4th Annual Learning at City Conference which focuses on improving student learning through enhanced assessment & feedback. The one day event will include:…Continue Reading Learning @ City 2012 Conference Launch
My Story: Student Engagement in Curriculum Design

THIS POST IS WRITTEN BY NATASHA KAPADIA. For the last year, I Natasha am the Research Assistant on the PREDICT (Promoting Realistic Engaging Discussions in Curriculum Teams) project working at the Learning Development Centre, in City University London. The main purpose of the project is to look at Curriculum Design at City and four…Continue Reading My Story: Student Engagement in Curriculum Design
A Successful Student Experience: Implications for Academic Performance.
This event was organised by the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education Tuesday 8th May Queen Mary’s University of London Judging Teaching Excellence – A Student Achievements Awards perspective. The day started with a presentation from Craig Best, Vice-President Academic Representation from Brunel University. Craig outlined the student led teaching awards which have been introduced at…Continue Reading A Successful Student Experience: Implications for Academic Performance.