Would you like to implement a new approach to teaching or a new assessment activity?
Or, do you want to undertake a research study to evaluate an approach you have already implemented?
If you are a member of City, University of London staff, Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) have a fund available to help you with this.
Grants are available to staff from all schools and you can apply for these via the LEaD webpages.
This year the focus for the grants is on enhancing Student Progression (particularly amongst the BAME student community) and/ or enhancing Student Employability.
Undertaking a project like this is useful if you are wishing to apply for any level of HEA fellowship. This is also the sort of activity that the National Teaching Fellowship scheme expect to see from applicants applying to their scheme.
If you are interested in applying for funding you should first speak with your schools Associate Dean for Education to ensure the project you are looking to undertake fits with your School and the University priorities. You’ll also need to consider how the work you chose to implement is sustainable beyond the end of your grant.
You should also make contact with either one of the LEaD academic team or a LEaD Senior Educational Technologist who can help and give advice on projects.
The closing date for applications is Friday 19th October 2018 and funds must be spent by 15th July 2019.