Matt and Olivia joined Moodle users from UK and Ireland at the annual MoodleMoot in April. If you look really hard, you’ll be able to spot us in the group photo in the far left of the shot!
Group photo at #MootIEUK19 !
— 🎓 Martin Dougiamas (@moodler) 17 April 2019
Adaptive Learning Workshop
We kicked off with a workshop about Adaptive Learning, which could be called Adaptive Teaching that enables Personalised Learning. The main tools used in this session was restrictive access based on group membership and activity results/completion, and the lesson activity. We learned that whilst there is a lot of flexibility in designing learning pathways and giving students control, the UI is not the best and it is not clear how things are setup without close scrutiny. It is highly recommended to design the flows before trying to implement them.
Jack and the Beanstalk as a scenario-based learning activity in multiple modes! #adaptivelearning #MootIEUK19
— Rob L (@lowneyrob) 15 April 2019
The focus of the workshop was on tools that enable this approach in Moodle, rather than a wider discussion on how or why you might want to engage with Adaptive Learning, which would have been great. Are branching but essentially linear paths that we put students on enough to represent different approaches to learning?
The best thing about MoodleMoot is finding out about plugins and features that you didn’t know you needed until you heard about them. Two examples of this from the conference were the subcourse plugin and embedded quiz questions.
Nice plugin! Subcourses to restrict access to initial course until students have completed reference course. Would be useful for managing compulsory academic integrity activities. Thanks for sharing your experiences @samwisefox #MootIEUK19
— Olivia (@livvyfox) 17 April 2019
@tim_hunt describing how to embed Moodle standard quiz questions ANYWHERE in any Moodle content!
Doesn’t have Moodle app support yet but it’s coming!
— 🎓 Martin Dougiamas (@moodler) 16 April 2019
Focus on Accessibility
It was great to see that an accessibility checker in core Moodle was the top choice from our roadmap brainstorm. With the EU Web Accessibility Directive which makes explicit the need for digital content from public bodies (including university VLEs) this feature would really help lecturers ensure that their content is accessible and inclusive.
After a great roadmap brainstorm at #mootieuk19, here are the results! The top idea (accessibility checker in Core), netted Bob (the person who suggested it) a free golden ticket to #mootglobal19 in November!🎓
All this goes into our roadmap decision process for future releases.
— 🎓 Martin Dougiamas (@moodler) 16 April 2019
Continuing on the accessibility theme, Karen Holland from Learning Technology Services gave a great practical presentation on accessibility in Moodle.
#MootIEUK19 the items that are not ‘controlled’ by Moodle – but that users input
— Aurelie Soulier 🐝⌛🦋🌍 ✊ (@EdTechYogi) 17 April 2019
Student Record Integration
The holy grail for Moodle installations is to enable integration between the grader report and student record systems to enable a seamless flow of student grades, to cut down on administration and double grade entry. It was really heartening to see a presentation from Michael Hughes, University of Strathclyde on how they had achieved just this. The presentation highlighted that this requires institutional change to define a core grader report structure and to set standard assessment types.
Great presentation from @mhughes2k on defining a core grader report structure and adopting standard terminology to enable staff to teach and reduce admin #MootIEUK19
— Olivia (@livvyfox) 16 April 2019
Moodle evaluation
Gavin Henrick talked about how to evaluate Moodle. He talked about the importance of thinking ahead about what our SMART criteria for success are, measuring at the outset of the project and then comparing our results later. It forces us to ask some hard questions about our technology, such as “What is our Moodle even for?”
#MootIEUK19 @ghenrick is asking us to reflect on how and what to evaluate our implementation.
— Aurelie Soulier 🐝⌛🦋🌍 ✊ (@EdTechYogi) 17 April 2019
Learning Analytics
The last workshop of the Moot was on Learning Analytics. Elizabeth Dalton, Moodle HQ, managed to engage us all in thinking about what we mean by quality learning and highlighted the importance of aligning our curriculum to our learning analytics models. We explored our ideas about what education is for, and how these might or might not match up to what our institutions are designed to do and what our students expect. These in turn drive what we want to measure and how.
Great activity at #MootIEUK19 what do we mean by quality learning? Important to think about prior to setting up learning analytic models. Otherwise how do we know what we want to describe and predict.
— Olivia (@livvyfox) 17 April 2019
City Presentation
We presented on using playful learning to engage staff (for those facilitating as well as those participating) in Moodle Refresher training. We talked about adopting role play as a playful technique. Participants worked in pairs through a deluge of emails and calls from students to fix a module, developed by the Ed Tech Team, that showcased all the worst elements of Moodle design.
Olivia is in full flow in this shot, getting really exercised about using non-descriptive titles for activities.
#MootIEUK19 Olivia Fox & Matt Goral shows us how to reinvigorate interest in Moodle, engage and encourage staff to get your Moodle fix(ed).
— Carlos Escobedo (@carlosagile) 17 April 2019
Also the band were on fire! 🎺🔥
Mr Wilson’s Second Liners! #mootieuk19
— MoodleMoot UK & Ireland (@MoodleMootUK) 16 April 2019