How are students experiencing learning online? What the data from our digital experience insights 2020-1 student surveys is telling us.
Wednesday March 24th 1pm – 2pm, you can sign up using eventbrite.
Ruth Drysdale, Senior consultant, data and digital capability, Jisc and Sarah Knight, Head of data and digital capability, Jisc
With the continued pandemic, and the requirement of students in further and higher education to continue to learn remotely, it is essential that we have mechanisms in place for gathering feedback on their experiences. It has never been more important to listen to the student voice and to work as partners with students to ensure their digital experience delivers what they need and shapes the digital future of the students that follow.
The digital experience insights surveys allow organisations to collect valid, representative and actionable data from their students and staff about the digital environment they offer and to understand how digital technologies are used in learning and teaching as well as across the organisation. This year, organisations have the option to run the surveys annually or as pulse surveys and this session will share the findings from the first round of pulse student surveys with the data collected from October to end of December 2020.
Over 27,000 students from further and higher education have shared their views on their online learning experience. The findings offer insights into how students are navigating digital poverty, their digital wellbeing as well as the support for developing their digital skills and what they need in order to become effective online learners.
ELESIG, Evaluations of Learners’ Experiences of e–Learning is an ALT Special Interest Group
Sandra Partington, London LEaD for the ELESIG network