Category: Learning & Teaching

Nominal Group Technique

I attended an ELESIG webinar on Student Engagement Methods: a focus on the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) on 29 February 2012. The session focused on how this technique could be used to elicit feedback from students (or staff) on their experiences of learning technology or for them to give feedback on their learning. This technique…Continue Reading Nominal Group Technique

Review: SACWG seminar, ‘The efficiency and effectiveness of assessment in challenging times’

On Thursday 24 November 2011, the Student Assessment and Classification Working Group (SACWG) hosted a one-day seminar, ‘The efficiency and effectiveness of assessment in challenging times’ at Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London.  To open the seminar, Dr Marie Stowell (University of Worcester) set out the context for the day in her presentation ‘Efficiency and effectiveness…Continue Reading Review: SACWG seminar, ‘The efficiency and effectiveness of assessment in challenging times’

LDC Showcase debate 1st February 2012

An innovation to this year’s Learning Development Centre Showcase event was to open with a debate. The suggestion to hold a debate came from the Associate Deans for Education and the theme was chosen to reflect the focus of the LDC’s work for this year on Assessment and Feedback, which will also form the focus…Continue Reading LDC Showcase debate 1st February 2012

Using Adobe connect for remote tutorials

A bit more of a personal one today. Having had varying degrees of success using Adobe connect in the past I finally bit the bullet and found a volunteer student to do a remote tutorial with. I have to say I rather surprised myself with how successful it was. Prior to the session I uploaded into…Continue Reading Using Adobe connect for remote tutorials

Communication, Curriculums and Karen.

Case study: Communication in Curriculum Design . Karen Rawlings-Anderson. Senior Lecturer. School of Health Sciences. Karen has recently taken on the role of leading the design of the new curriculum to be delivered across the nursing programs starting in September  2012. This mammoth task has required the coordination of input from a large number of…Continue Reading Communication, Curriculums and Karen.

Top tips on making your lectures count!

With a sea of distant heads in front of you bowed over their notes it can be very difficult to tell whether your lectures are working well or not. Students will not answer questions so you cannot tell if they understand. The normal clues are missing and the normal informal methods of finding out do…Continue Reading Top tips on making your lectures count!

Workshop on Assessment Feedback: Centre for Music Studies

On Wednesday 9 November 2011, seven undergraduate students came together for an innovative two-hour afternoon workshop facilitated by Dr Miguel Mera, Dr Ian Pace, and myself (Dr Christopher Wiley) to discuss various issues related to delivery of feedback on the Centre’s BMus programme. While activities of this nature have been undertaken within individual academic modules…Continue Reading Workshop on Assessment Feedback: Centre for Music Studies

Coaching- a new vehicle for education?

Kathryn Waddington from the School of Health Sciences has been using coaching as a pedagogical technique in the delivery of her masters level module in leadership. Kathryn’s approach to coaching is influenced by her experience of helping professionals gain insights from systems and psychodynamic theory in order to better understand their own experiences in the…Continue Reading Coaching- a new vehicle for education?

Shareville: An alternative to second life?

Birmingham City University have created their own virtual enivronment called SHAREVILLE. “The acronym SHAREVILLE required almost as much thought as the concept itself – Shareable Holistic Assets and Resources Existing in a Virtual Interactive Lifelong Learning Environment! This virtual town is an online immersive environment comprising of 360 degree panoramas and 3D resources that students…Continue Reading Shareville: An alternative to second life?

Participating in the Second JISC webinar on Curriculum Development

I’m the City University Learning Development Associate with specific responsibility for curriculum development. City is actively involved in curriculum development with Predict: part of a national JISC project. Taking part in the second JISC Webinar on Curriculum Design: Nov 2nd 2011, was an opportunity to find out what 31 colleagues are concerned about nationally and…Continue Reading Participating in the Second JISC webinar on Curriculum Development