Category: Learning Technologies

Prepare for the new academic year – Personalise your dashboard and adjust the view of modules.

We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our ninth post and will cover how to adjust the view of modules and highlight the personalisation features available to make your dashboard easier to use. If you are enrolled on multiple modules, for example if…Continue Reading Prepare for the new academic year – Personalise your dashboard and adjust the view of modules.

Prepare for the new academic year – manage notifications and emails from Moodle modules

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We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our eighth post and will cover how staff enrolled as Programme Administrators can manage notifications and emails from Moodle modules. Course Office staff with Programme Administrator role access to Moodle categories are directly enrolled to modules….Continue Reading Prepare for the new academic year – manage notifications and emails from Moodle modules

Enhancing Inclusive Learning through Digital Innovation: A Case Study in Optometry Education, aligned with the revised PSF

Introduction The revised 2023 Advance HE Professional Standards (PSF) emphasise the use of educational and learning technologies. This is underpinned by principles of inclusive practice to support learning, for example in core knowledge dimension 4 (K4). This dimension asks individuals applying for any level of Advance HE Fellowship (Associate, Fellow, Senior, or Principal) to “apply…Continue Reading Enhancing Inclusive Learning through Digital Innovation: A Case Study in Optometry Education, aligned with the revised PSF

Prepare for the new academic year – Module checklist and graduate attributes

A written checklist

We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our seventh post and will cover the module checklist and the new addition of graduate attributes. Moodle module checklist for 2024-25  LEAD’s Digital Education team has updated the Moodle module checklist for 2024-25. The checklist shares…Continue Reading Prepare for the new academic year – Module checklist and graduate attributes

Prepare for the new academic year – Choosing and creating assessment activity

Moodle assignment checklist with checkbox on computer screen

We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our sixth post and will cover choosing and creating an assessment on Moodle. Assessment Choosing an assessment activity When updating your modules, it can be difficult to assess which assessment activity in Moodle is the most…Continue Reading Prepare for the new academic year – Choosing and creating assessment activity

Prepare for the new academic year – Rollover/Import and Grid Format

A module using the grid format. Each section is represented by a tile

We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our fifth post and will cover rollover/import and Grid format. Grid format is one of the course formats available in Moodle.  This format creates a grid of icons (one for each section) with short titles. If…Continue Reading Prepare for the new academic year – Rollover/Import and Grid Format

Prepare for new academic year on Moodle – Grid format and the module dashboard block

The Cityr course format dashboard showing links to activities and quick links

We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our fourth post and looks at the module dashboard in both City Course Format and Grid Format modules. Module dashboards City Course Format dashboard   In modules using the City Course Format, the Module dashboard provides easy…Continue Reading Prepare for new academic year on Moodle – Grid format and the module dashboard block

Prepare for new academic year on Moodle – Lecture Capture

We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our third post and will cover connecting Lecture Capture to Moodle. Connect Lecture Capture to Moodle for Term 1 Most taught sessions classified as lectures in the MyTimetable system for Term 1 2024/25 will be automatically scheduled to be recorded…Continue Reading Prepare for new academic year on Moodle – Lecture Capture

Prepare for new academic year on Moodle – consistency and content

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We’ve got a series of posts to help you prepare for the new academic year on Moodle. This is our second post and will cover managing content and ensuring consistency on modules across a programme. Course format Course formats in Moodle enable different layouts and structures for your module. At City, the City Course Format…Continue Reading Prepare for new academic year on Moodle – consistency and content

Prepare for the new academic year – Moodle refresh, module start dates and training

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This year, there will be only a minor refresh of Moodle, and so across the summer the Digital Education Team are offering guidance and training to staff on how they can prepare for the new academic year and refresh their knowledge of Moodle. We’re putting together a series of posts to help you prepare for…Continue Reading Prepare for the new academic year – Moodle refresh, module start dates and training