Are you using GradeMark in Turnitin to provide feedback to students? Did you know you can now record audio feedback on student assignments? You can record up to three minutes of feedback on each student assignment allowing you to personalise your feedback. In the Sounds Good JISC project students remarked positively on receiving audio feedback…Continue Reading Leaving audio feedback using GradeMark
The first episode in the Educational Vignettes podcast – an interview with Dr Keith Pond from the School of Business and Economics at Loughborough University
Presenting the first episode in our Educational Vignettes podcast series! With the Cass learning development showcase coming up on May 22nd, and themed on ‘Efficient and Effective Feedback’, Sandra and I (at the LDC) carried out a sector review of other business schools across the country, to see how they were performing in terms of…Continue Reading The first episode in the Educational Vignettes podcast – an interview with Dr Keith Pond from the School of Business and Economics at Loughborough University
Social Media for Training Review
I attended the UCISA Social Media for Training Conference and here are my take-away points. Ideas for online tools to develop more effective meetings At the LDC, we’ve been thinking of more effective ways of managing meetings and I got some ideas from Joe Nicholls who presented on a staff development workshop which look at…Continue Reading Social Media for Training Review
Innovation in Assessment and Feedback
My dual role as University Learning Development Associate in Assessment & Feedback and Senior Lecturer in Music has led me to run several pilot projects in my teaching this academic year (2011-12), exemplifying innovative approaches to the practices surrounding assessment and feedback. Three case studies are given below. (1) Using wikis in Moodle to track…Continue Reading Innovation in Assessment and Feedback
The MILL: Guest Starring iTunes U
The MILL: Guest Starring iTunes U event was held on 1st November 2011 and was designed to launch both iTunes U and the MILL at City University London, making staff aware of how both can help to develop their teaching practice. Coordinated by Sandra Partington, Steve McCombe, Siân Lindsay and Sara Reimers, who came up…Continue Reading The MILL: Guest Starring iTunes U
Top Moodle tips
Top tips for using Moodle Get the settings right. When setting up discussion forums be very careful not to click “force everyone to subscribe “unless you really need to. This option is really only suitable for news forums. You have to allow people to subscribe to the forums they are interested in and hope that…Continue Reading Top Moodle tips
Digital Researchers Workshop
Inspired by the recent Digital Researchers event which I blogged about in this previous post, I was keen to provide a workshop to try out some of the social media tools and ideas which I learned about there. With the enthusiastic support of Emily Allbon from Library Services, and the LDC’s intrepid researcher Ajmal Sultany,…Continue Reading Digital Researchers Workshop
Nominal Group Technique
I attended an ELESIG webinar on Student Engagement Methods: a focus on the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) on 29 February 2012. The session focused on how this technique could be used to elicit feedback from students (or staff) on their experiences of learning technology or for them to give feedback on their learning. This technique…Continue Reading Nominal Group Technique
Review: SACWG seminar, ‘The efficiency and effectiveness of assessment in challenging times’
On Thursday 24 November 2011, the Student Assessment and Classification Working Group (SACWG) hosted a one-day seminar, ‘The efficiency and effectiveness of assessment in challenging times’ at Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London. To open the seminar, Dr Marie Stowell (University of Worcester) set out the context for the day in her presentation ‘Efficiency and effectiveness…Continue Reading Review: SACWG seminar, ‘The efficiency and effectiveness of assessment in challenging times’
Digital Researcher 2012
Digital Researcher 2012. British Library 20.02.2012. Having been placed on the waiting list for this event I was pleased to discover three days beforehand that I had managed to squeeze in as one of the 113 participants in the Digital Researcher 2012 workshop at the British Library. There were many more virtual participants via Twitter…Continue Reading Digital Researcher 2012