PREDICT, which stands for ‘Promoting Realistic Engaging Discussions in Curriculum Teams) is a JISC funded project within the Institutional Approaches to Curriculum Design Programme. The project focus is to develop a new curriculum design process that is efficient, flexible, focuses on enhancing educational development and the student experience and, is supported with responsive technology to…Continue Reading PREDICT Project

CitySpace Obituary: Peter Kogan

Peter Kogan, Work-based Learning Advisor, School of Informatics I’d never used a VLE before I joined City in 2004, so CitySpace was my first…VLE. I thought it was amazing in many ways, but mainly in that its accessibility and usability were infinitely superior to the SPIN (spreadsheet + Post-It Note) systems I had used in…Continue Reading CitySpace Obituary: Peter Kogan

CitySpace Obituary: Einav Avni

Einav Avni , Experience Architect and former City student. Cityspace was going to be an amazing tool – one where you could find content and sources, leave comments and questions for tutors and peers, submit coursework and see marks. In reality, materials were not so easy to actually see / download and peers and tutors…Continue Reading CitySpace Obituary: Einav Avni

Coffee and papers activity

I posted this on my sqhq blog but thought it would make a good vignette too as it is a good example of applying something that we found out about from elsewhere and adapting in our own Masters in Academic Practice. It is very simple to do and something that you could easily try with…Continue Reading Coffee and papers activity

CitySpace Obituary: Olivia Fox

Olivia Fox is a Learning Development Consultant in the LDC: “Aaah CitySpace – so many memories! I started working in E-Learning Services as a Support Officer in 2005 and a large part of my role was in supporting staff and students through the CitySpace Helpdesk. I was kept busy trying to resolve staff and student…Continue Reading CitySpace Obituary: Olivia Fox

CitySpace Obituary: Julie Attenborough

Julie Attenborough, Head of the Educational Development Unit, School of Community and Health Sciences Though much maligned over the years I retain a strange fondness for CitySpace. A bit like a first encounter (clunky, unsatisfying)it gave us a taste of what might be possible if only…. The slowness of the system in the University’s far…Continue Reading CitySpace Obituary: Julie Attenborough

Pecha Kucha PART 2


I was skeptical of presenting Higher Education research in a Pecha Kucha format (see here) but has my experience of presenting in the format in the recent ECE11 conference changed how I feel? First of all, I feel obliged to let everyone know that although spelt ‘Pecha Kucha’, it is actually pronounced ‘Pecha Kacha’, where…Continue Reading Pecha Kucha PART 2

SLE webinar for ELESIG: From Virtual to Strategic – the reinvention of an online learning environment

I gave my first webinar on Wednesday – was pretty good fun actually – although quite weird to be talking and making jokes, well what I thought were jokes, and not getting any feedback.  I think though that because people used the comments and chat box more there were more questions and you could respond…Continue Reading SLE webinar for ELESIG: From Virtual to Strategic – the reinvention of an online learning environment

CitySpace Obituary: Neal Sumner

Here are Neal’s CitySpace memories: CitySpace obituary 9.59 on January 5th 2004 and the clocks are ticking loudly in the 4 Drysdale computer labs where 250 silent students are sitting expectantly at their terminals waiting for their Informatics examination to begin. As the second hand moves towards the vertical, hundreds of pairs of eyes are…Continue Reading CitySpace Obituary: Neal Sumner

Innovation Creativity and Leadership – Research and Practice

Innovation Creativity and Leadership – Research and Practice                    13th June 2011 Archived abstracts and slides: This event showcased a diverse range of research and activity in this field.  It very successfully met its aim “to be a forum for exchanging ideas and sharing experience of innovation, creativity and leadership in both research and…Continue Reading Innovation Creativity and Leadership – Research and Practice