Introduction The revised 2023 Advance HE Professional Standards (PSF) emphasise the use of educational and learning technologies. This is underpinned by principles of inclusive practice to support learning, for example in core knowledge dimension 4 (K4). This dimension asks individuals applying for any level of Advance HE Fellowship (Associate, Fellow, Senior, or Principal) to “apply…Continue Reading Enhancing Inclusive Learning through Digital Innovation: A Case Study in Optometry Education, aligned with the revised PSF
Ten years, ten highlights

Yesterday marked a full decade since I started working at this university. The Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) department was officially launched on my second day in the job, at an on-campus event with LEaD cupcakes, leaderships speeches and aspirations of where things had come from and what we were to become. The annual Learning…Continue Reading Ten years, ten highlights
EUNIS Congress Day 2 – innovative pedagogy, hybrid learning, learning spaces and trends in IT and digital education

This year’s EUNIS congress focussed on digital transformation: the challenges and opportunities ahead. Taking place at the University of Vigo in Spain in June over 200 delegates from across Europe enjoyed three days of interesting talks and workshops. Julie Voce (City, University of London) and Melanie Barrand (University of Leeds) are members of the UCISA Digital Education Group and were funded…Continue Reading EUNIS Congress Day 2 – innovative pedagogy, hybrid learning, learning spaces and trends in IT and digital education
Digifest 2022 in six screenshots

In the HE digital education conferencing and events space, 2022 has been marked by gradual returns to in-person activities as well as, in some cases, their hybridisation. This was in sharp contrast to the emergency shift to online conferencing (or outright cancellation) that many saw in 2020 and the attempts to improve on and extend…Continue Reading Digifest 2022 in six screenshots
Supporting Student Success for flexible/distance learning

How can we support student success? Julie Voce, Dom Pates and Rae Bowdler attended a workshop by the University of London (UoL) Centre for Distance Education (CDE) to find out. The programme grappled with various big-ticket items such as how we explore retention and progression in the management of flexible learning, through to using various…Continue Reading Supporting Student Success for flexible/distance learning
Learning Design Bootcamp

Last month saw the culmination of the Learning Design Bootcamp I have been involved with and it has been an interesting experience to see how the teams have progressed through the bootcamp. The bootcamp was the idea of Dr Maria Toro-Troconis from CEG Digital and co-ordinated by a committee involving representatives from a number of…Continue Reading Learning Design Bootcamp
On Confidence Grids

LEaD have a weekly Educational Technology drop-in session for academics or course office staff to have a space and some time to get support and/or advice without needing an appointment or a Service Now ticket. For us, it’s a great way to better understand some of the difficulties, challenges or questions that staff can have…Continue Reading On Confidence Grids
M25 Learning Design
By: Olivia Fox & Lisa Baker The focus of the M25 was on learning design. This post looks at the presentations around learning design, tools to support the process and staff development. Maria Toro-Troconis (Imperial College London) introduced a Blended Learning Design tool BLEnDT©. This tool provides a framework for moving learning designs from face-to-face…Continue Reading M25 Learning Design