Dom Pates, an Educational Technologist at Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD), discusses Learning Spaces and Twitter Walks at City, University of London….Continue Reading Leading by Example – Dom Pates
Leading by Example – Dom Pates
Dom Pates, an Educational Technologist at Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD), discusses Learning Spaces and Twitter Walks at City, University of London….Continue Reading Leading by Example – Dom Pates
Looking forward Like most sectors, higher education looks at trends the affect it and tries to imagine potential futures from them. The University of Greenwich’s 2017 Academic Practice and Technology conference took this theme up this year with relish. Focusing on ‘reimagining higher education in the face of a rapidly changing and sometimes chaotic environment’,…Continue Reading Is the future what it used to be?
City staff, we’ve been busy…. Since the downtime window started on 31st July. we have been upgrading Echo boxes in Learning Spaces, continuing to migrate content from the old Echo System Server to the new cloud hosted Active Learning Platform and completing the integration between the new Lecture Capture System and Moodle 3.2. A big…Continue Reading The new Lecture Capture system is live at City – see what it can do for your teaching!
DALI – An update from the Designing Active Learning Initiative The transformation of City’s learning spaces is taking place over the summer months, for the second year running. From September 2017 City’s staff and students will benefit from the new DALI podium (Pod) in over 40 of the 200…Continue Reading DALI lights up over 40 learning spaces – here at City
On 24th July, City hosted the M25 Learning Technology Group for the first time since 2011 and welcomed over 35 delegates from around London and the South East. The focus of the session was on designing better learning environments and we looked at both physical and virtual spaces. The #M25LTG kicks off with an introduction…Continue Reading Designing better learning environments – the M25 Learning Technology Group comes to City
On the 6th June, Echo hosted an Active Learning Conference at Kings College London which members of LEaD and Educational Research and Enterprise Systems (ERES, part of IT) attended. The aim of the event was to showcase and share good practice and to update the UK community of Echo institutions (which include UCL, QMUL, LSE…Continue Reading Echo Active Learning Conference 2017
The Learning Spaces Group met on 26th April, to discuss a variety of issues around Learning Spaces and in-class technologies in the Franklin Building. The areas covered were as follows: An update on the Designing Active Learning Initiative (DALI) Input from staff on Computer Lab spaces Input from staff on how they might change the Great Hall…Continue Reading Learning Spaces Group – 26th April 2017
Last month, City, University of London hosted the Poll Everywhere UK User Group. The community event attracted 50 participants from more than 20 UK Higher Education institutions. This was an opportunity to showcase recent developments at the University, like the newly opened entrance and our growing number of enhanced learning spaces, while sharing innovations in technology-enhanced teaching. Poll Everywhere is City’s ‘student response system’, which…Continue Reading Active Learning at City – Poll Everywhere User Group
Do you use lecture capture in your teaching? Margaret Carran, Senior Lecturer at City Law School and Deputy Associate Dean (Education) does, and she’s been sharing her experiences with LEaD, in the latest of our Educational Technology video case studies. This short film takes a different approach from the ‘talking heads’ style and uses animation…Continue Reading Leading by example, with lecture capture
1/ Been collecting some thoughts on the #intelligentcampus (or #smartcampus, for character brevity) for @JISC’s #codesign16. #learningspaces — Dom Pates (@dompates) November 23, 2016 A few weeks ago, I noticed on Twitter that JISC was asking for contributions on the subject of ‘the intelligent campus’ (or, ‘the smart campus’, as it’s also known). I’ve been…Continue Reading Sketches for a Smart Campus