This post is written by Jed Odermatt, Lecturer at City Law School who was studying the module EDM116: Technology Enabled Academic Practice last academic year as part of the MA in Academic Practice. Encouraged by his module tutors Jane Secker and Julie Voce, Jed agreed to write up his final project as a blog post,…Continue Reading Motivation and the Design of Online Learning Platforms
Is chat where it’s at?

With the rapid shift to online teaching, it is easy to forget that we’re now communicating with our students via software that was, in many cases, designed for business meetings rather than for education. A key feature of some of these platforms (a Microsoft Teams Meeting, for example) is dual-stream communication: speech and text in parallel, in the form of a spoken presentation and a chat thread. But…Continue Reading Is chat where it’s at?
Finding and using re-usable teaching materials

When creating teaching materials there are a wealth of re-usable educational resources that lecturers and teachers around the world share for others to use and adapt in their teaching. Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) are running an online workshop to help you find re-usable resources for your teaching These re-usable resources are called open educational…Continue Reading Finding and using re-usable teaching materials
Overcoming Isolation in Distance Learning

Aside from the benefits of technology allowing us to work and study remotely, it’s important to recognise the potential sense of isolation that many of us and our students may well experience during the Coronavirus situation. The University of the West of England have published some relevant research for distance learning which is useful for…Continue Reading Overcoming Isolation in Distance Learning
Tickets to RIDE

Last month, a handful of City staff joined other delegates in the auspicious surroundings of Senate House, for the University of London’s Centre for Distance Education flagship event. The 13th Research and Innovation in Distance Education annual conference (RIDE) was themed this year around addressing the challenges of digital education, looking at both professional…Continue Reading Tickets to RIDE
Not Just for Surveys: Qualtrics for Game-Based Learning

As an educational technologist, one of my favourite challenges is to re-purpose technology to fit teaching and learning needs. The best example of this to date for me is using Qualtrics, branded as “Research, Survey and Experience Software” to create a treasure hunt-style induction game for first year undergraduate students! Context The Round the University…Continue Reading Not Just for Surveys: Qualtrics for Game-Based Learning
Video for learning: Mediaspace enhancements

Welcome to the third blog post in my series on enhancements to the video and audio tools available to staff and students at City, University of London. In this post I will be discussing some of the general feature enhancements that have been brought to Mediaspace, and some suggestions for how they can be used….Continue Reading Video for learning: Mediaspace enhancements
Video for learning: new tools for staff

The Educational Technology Team are passionate about helping staff and students at City get the most out of tools for teaching and learning. In particular, this summer we have been working hard to upgrade and improve the Mediaspace platform which allows staff and students to create, publish and share educational video and multimedia. In a…Continue Reading Video for learning: new tools for staff
Planned upgrade to Kaltura Mediaspace

This summer, City’s online platform for educational video – Kaltura Mediaspace – will be getting an update to introduce new features to make video more interactive and more accessible. As part of this update, the Kaltura tools in Moodle will be upgraded on Tuesday 14th June. This upgrade brings the Video Resource and Video Assignment…Continue Reading Planned upgrade to Kaltura Mediaspace
Educational Technology at scale: Bett 2016 review

Now over 30 years old, The Bett Show is a huge London-based event for showcasing the uses of information technologies in education, spanning primary to tertiary and skills. A couple of LEaD staff were invited to participate in some of this year’s speaker sessions, myself included. This post covers some of what I got out of…Continue Reading Educational Technology at scale: Bett 2016 review