Assistant Educational Technologist City, University of London Salary: £30,046 to £36,914 Closing date: Thursday 8th July 2021 View Job Description Link to vacancy application City, University of London seeks to recruit an Educational Technologist as part of Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD). LEaD is a multiskilled service that supports, develops, and influences education at City….Continue Reading Vacancy- Assistant Educational Technologist- City, University of London
Teaching 21st century competencies through simulation. ELSE Part 2
![Fire with two bikes nearby](
In my previous blog about the ELSE European project I gave an introduction to some of the ideas that struck me as being key. Here I will look at one of its outputs. The E-core simulation software is introduced as an easy authoring tool for the creation of open and reusable resources. The development team…Continue Reading Teaching 21st century competencies through simulation. ELSE Part 2
Advancing HE in Aston: 10 Things
![Keynote speaker at conference venue, pictured from the audience](
This is the second post in my #ArchiveReflections series – a collection of blog posts that look back on events that I’ve participated in in some way but not yet managed to write about. In the summer of 2018, I presented a workshop at the Advance HE Teaching and Learning conference, titled ‘Learning to…Continue Reading Advancing HE in Aston: 10 Things
Innovations in STEM teaching
Earlier this year, I attended the HEA STEM 2016 conference. This post details some of the highlights from the event. With a conference theme centred around inspiring, supporting and sharing excellent practice in STEM teaching and learning, I was particularly interested in sessions that focused on innovations in STEM teaching. I found inspiration at ones run…Continue Reading Innovations in STEM teaching