Did you know that you can choose books for the library to buy?
Most books in the library are bought when a lecturer tells their subject librarian what books are needed, while others appear on the shelf when a subject librarian has identified some gaps in the collection, and some are donated because they are no longer needed.
The rest is up to you! Is there a book that you think every library should have, or a title that just never seems to be on the shelf when you need it?
Use the More Books scheme!
More Books is a scheme that allows our undergraduates and taught postgraduates to suggest books that would be useful for their studies. It might be for a project you’re working on, an area you wish to explore in your research, or anything else that would help you get ahead – just fill in the More Books form to let us know.
If you are a research student or a member of staff, have a look at our Read for Research scheme instead. Or, if you would like to help us expand our collections by recommending a title by or about LGBTQI+ people or which recognise overlapping identities and experiences such as gender, class, sexuality and disability, check out our Liberating CityLibrary scheme.
To see books that have been bought using More Books in the past, check out the display on Level 5 of the Northampton Square Library, or browse the display below to see some of the e-books previously chosen by Library users via More Books: