Study spaces are in high demand during the exam period, and the Library can be very busy. A number of group study spaces outside the Library are also available for you to use: Tait Building: the Garden Café, the sofas near the Students’ Union, the tables at the entrance to the Tait building from the…Continue Reading Group study spaces outside the Library at Northampton Square
JustisOne – Search for cases and legislation
Library Services subscribes to JustisOne, an online resource that gives you access to UK case law and legislation. In a previous blog post we explained how to log in. Below is a quick guide on how to search for cases and legislation. How to search for a case You can do a simple search from…Continue Reading JustisOne – Search for cases and legislation
Read&Write 12
City Library Services are pleased to offer the latest version of TextHelp Read&Write 12. Read&Write is a collection of tools to support your reading and writing. This application is often recommended for students who have a learning difference such as dyslexia, but the support tools can be beneficial for everyone. Use…Continue Reading Read&Write 12
Library Services has subscribed to a new online resource, JustisOne, which gives you access to UK case law and legislation. To help you get familiar with it, we will publish a couple of blog posts. In this one, we will give a brief overview on the kind of material you can access and how to…Continue Reading JustisOne
City’s institutional repository receives a makeover
This week, City Library is excited to unveil the new and improved City Research Online (CRO), the open access repository showcasing research by City staff and research students. Learn more about the changes on our citylibresearchers blog. …Continue Reading City’s institutional repository receives a makeover
New resources available on Westlaw
Library Services now provides all current City students access to a huge range of books and looseleaf encyclopaedias on Westlaw. Previously, access was limited to a small selection of titles such as The White Book, Archbold, and Palmer’s Company Law. Our new extended subscription gives access to over 300 books, including 66 looseleaf works and…Continue Reading New resources available on Westlaw
Take a break
At this time of year you’ll be busy revising and preparing for your exams, and many of you will be spending a lot of time in the Library, especially as we’re open 24/7. But it’s important to remember that taking rest breaks, eating and sleeping are extremely important activities too: health and wellbeing are crucial…Continue Reading Take a break
Find your Library Guide
Our Library Guides bring together the essential resources in your subject area and connect you quickly and easily to information about Library Services. From the Library Guides homepage select your school to see the Subject Guides relevant to you. In each of these guides our Librarians have gathered together the most important resources for you…Continue Reading Find your Library Guide
Rosenne’s Law and Practice of the International Court: 1920-2015
Rosenne’s Law and Practice of the International Court is a leading work on the International Court of Justice. Now in its fifth edition, we have purchased the e-book for our library collection. The work is divided into four volumes: Volume I – The Court and the United Nations Volume II – Jurisdiction Volume III –…Continue Reading Rosenne’s Law and Practice of the International Court: 1920-2015
Resource of the month: Oxford Competition Law
Oxford Competition Law (OCL) is a database which combines world-renowned commentaries, authoritative peer-reviewed national case reports and analysis from EU member states. It also includes electronic access to “Bellamy and Child: European Union Law of Competition”, “Whish & Bailey: Competition Law” and “Faull & Nikpay: The EU Law of Competition”. How do I access it?…Continue Reading Resource of the month: Oxford Competition Law