This post will consider the benefits of speech-to-text tools. It will discuss software available at City with speech-to-text capability and also some free options. It’s that time of year when you might be writing up a dissertation or thesis, or you may be using time over summer to reflect and explore new ways of…Continue Reading How to: Speak to your computer
How to: Hear text “read aloud”
This post explores text-to-speech as a reading support tool. It will discuss software available at City with text-to-speech capability and also some free options. Text-to-speech at City TextHelp Read&Write software is a suite of accessibility and organisational tools in one convenient toolbar, designed to support the reading and writing of students of all abilities. You can use…Continue Reading How to: Hear text “read aloud”
Dramatic discovery of medieval manuscript
Last year two members of library staff discovered an unknown manuscript in the City Library Special Collections. The two members of staff, Rob Hodgson and Simon Bralee, unearthed the manuscript whilst auditing the collections. The text The manuscript contains two texts – the Algorismus (or De Arte Numerandi) and the De Anni Ratione – written…Continue Reading Dramatic discovery of medieval manuscript
The Disappearance of Miss Bebb
Proving once again that Library staff are multi-talented folk, Alex Giles, a member of the City Library team has written a drama to be performed by an all star cast. “The Disappearance of Miss Bebb”, a 90 minute radio-style version of Alex’s screenplay “Justice” will be performed at Middle Temple Hall on 2nd April. About the play …Continue Reading The Disappearance of Miss Bebb
How to: Create a mind map
Mind mapping is an active and visual way of representing information. Unlike linear notes (traditional notes written out), with a mind map you can view all of your notes on one page and visually identify structure and relationships more effectively. You can use old fashioned paper and pencils or mind mapping software to create one….Continue Reading How to: Create a mind map
Colour me calm 2
Adult colouring books have been some of the bestsellers in recent years… Is it anything to do with ever-growing levels of stress? At City Library we’re joining in the craze again by bringing out some new colouring pages (and an old favourite) for you to escape into… Colour the London Cityscape or Colour the George Daniels Clock As Nick Scott…Continue Reading Colour me calm 2
Library Essentials
Our new Library Essentials Guide contains everything you need to get started in the Library. Whether you’re a new or existing student, there is something there for everyone, including a series of short videos to help you make the most of our online services and resources, and a glossary to define all the words that are frequently…Continue Reading Library Essentials
Arbitration International
Library Services now provides full online access to Arbitration International, a quarterly journal covering developments in arbitration related matters. View the full text of articles from 1985 to present by accessing our Oxford University Press subscription here. Our subscription also gives useful added features, such as: Advance access to articles Ability to set up RSS…Continue Reading Arbitration International
New books selected by you
Our More Books scheme is your chance to tell us what’s missing from the Library collections. It might be a classic text or a brand new release that will help with your dissertation. All you have to do is complete our online form and if the book costs less than £80 we’ll buy it straight away. What’s…Continue Reading New books selected by you
Hold Up!
You can place a book on hold when there are no copies available at all or if the only available copies are at other sites. Once a hold is placed, a copy of the desired item will be put aside for you upon its return; or a copy will be transferred from another site for…Continue Reading Hold Up!